Tuesday, March 31, 2015

More news on the Ring Light Instructable ^_^

I just want to add that I am so so happy to have had my very first Instructable featured today in the "Tech" section of Instructables! Go me!

If you have found my tutorial useful, please vote for my Instructable as I have entered it into a "Tools Contest", if you are on a mobile phone, the vote button is on the top left, otherwise, it is on the top right of the page!

Remember to share with me pictures of your ring light too, if you have made one from this tutorial!

I have also test shot my BJDs here:


Direct link to Instructable with free PDF tutorial download here:



  1. Voted =0) and your picture is on there Awww bonnie lass that you are =0D

    1. Awwww Pepper! Yeah I am quite camera shy but it seemed most users on instructables.com used their own photos, and with age comes confidence so.....I chickened out and used a 2 yr old photo HAHAHAHA

      Thank you for voting!! I'm super sure if you had an instructable account it would EXPLODE immediately =goes off to stalk you=

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    Tea is not just a beverage; it’s a legally acceptable reason to delay work. “Let’s have tea first” has solved more problems than any therapist ever could. Whether it's office deadlines, family gossip, or existential crises, everything seems more manageable after a cup of chai. In fact, if tea had a resume, its top skill would be "temporarily making life feel sorted."

    Ever noticed how tea drinkers have a deep, spiritual connection with their cup? The way they gently blow on it, take a careful sip, and then let out that long “Aahh…”—it’s practically a love story. And let’s not forget the great dunking debate—do biscuits belong in tea? Some say yes, some say no, and some just fish out their fallen biscuit like an archaeologist discovering ancient ruins.
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    Tea is also the official fuel of gossip sessions. The moment someone says, “Batao, kya naya scene hai?” (Tell me, what’s new?), you know the kettle is about to whistle louder than your nosy neighbor. No gossip session is ever complete without endless refills and dramatic gasps between sips. In fact, if tea could talk, it would probably spill more secrets than the person holding the cup!

    Despite all its magical properties, tea can be a little too comforting—so much so that you sit with a hot cup, staring at your work, and before you know it, the tea is finished, the work is untouched, and you need another cup to "start fresh." It’s a never-ending cycle, but hey, who’s complaining? Another round of chai, anyone? ☕😆


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D