
Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012 with 0 calories! :P

Miniature Chocolates and Butter cookies for BJDs (1:3, or SD/SD13 size). I've already mentioned this in my previous post, but have listed them on Etsy :)

I know the colours aren't quite true to the actual cookies, i did make one set that is closer colour, but i didn't find it all that attractive :-/ so i made another 2 attempts before i was satisfied. let's call it 'artistic licence' shall we? ;)

and, of course I made these in 1:12 too :) you can find the listing here:

i didn't notice earlier, but i might have miscalculated on the toffee coin -_-" will probably re-do a batch, the 'gah' part will be having to retake photos -_-" each chocolate is different, and yes, i did scale them to measurements i had taken of the actual product XD 

 that's how insanely small they are. i wondered if i could make them in 1:24, i probably can, but wrapping them in detailed foil like these (if you squint, you can -maybe- see 'Quality Street' printed on 3 of the foil wrapped chocs, just like the real deal!) will be asking too much of me....these dang near drove me crazy and took forever to make. or what seems like forever hehe.

and because i ran out of the old gummy bears, i had to make a new batch, with 'new'-old packaging. these were my original designs, but i wasn't sure if they were acceptable as packaging....then Asuka mentioned that she preferred these over the ones I here they are! Thanks for the push! *muaks* i like these better too heheheh. problem is, in making these new colours, i ruined my mold T-T so this will be my last batch, at least until i make a new mold :( so get them while you can, here:

on a personal front, the eve-of-new-year's-eve celebration was really fun :D we did many girly things and i got caught in more 'tak glam' (unglamourous)'s a well-known fact that i don't take good photos, hamming it up for the cam is my 'normal' state :P my camera battery ran flat, and so had to rely on Sans and Asuka to capture our silly moments :P much thanks to Asuka and her mom (HI JIE JIE!) for inviting us for a fun (albeit tiring, omg we're all feeling our age!) staycation!

the actual eve of new year, i could barely keep my eyes open and fell asleep about an hr+ before midnight. had a really bad runny nose for about 4 hrs, that's what happens when the pool is freezing cold and you have sinus problems! luckily, bf brought over some medication and a care package, which is why i'm well enough to come in to the office today. which is kinda odd, i know, but i wanted to put things in order before my first official lesson at this office, yay! i'm really looking forward to it ^ ^ should be fun!

i know i keep mentioning the new year stuff, i promise i promise, the next post will be devoted to it :) Hope everyone had a great time, and here's to the next challenge....CHINESE NEW YEAR (or valentine's day, if you don't celebrate CNY?) hee hee AHHH SO MANY THINGS TO DO!


  1. Happy New Year, Cindy! I rarely comment but can't stop watching your miniatures - they are stunning!

  2. Cindy me encantan las galletas danesas y esos maravillosos ositos dulces
    Feliz año nuevo!!

  3. I like all! I'm greedy!!
    Bye Faby

  4. awww shucks Ewa (am i right?)! thank you so much :) Happy New Year to you too!

  5. Happy New Year to you too, Carmen :)

  6. Teresa, you know how much I love your work, thank you, and Happy New Year! (that little crown pastry is soo pretty!)

  7. LOL Faby, you made me laugh, because I feel that way all the time! XD

    Happy New Year!!!

  8. Oh my! Those are seriously small and detailed! I cannot even begin to realize what type of instruments you use, a microscope? Wow!

  9. Waaay cool minis you did!
    And happy new year ^^

    we (BF and I) ate a lot for new year's eve (appetizer, duck breast, chocolate and pear tart) while watching lord of the rings <3 huhu

    Hope you feel better now ^^


  10. haha onshore! for 1:12, i'm quite comfortable working with just my glasses :P but i've recently got a request for many of these in 1:24, i think i will need to dust off my magnifier to make them!!!

  11. *hugs* Stephanie! uwahhh your new year sounds like a perfect one to me. i want to get the special whole box set of LOTR and have a marathon..meh pear tart is now stuck in my head i wonder where i can get some here in SG.....

  12. Hi, am amazed...those teddy-candies: Just Love them! O`my how tiny they are... how on earth you were able to make them?

  13. Un trabajo perfecto y muy real, parecen de verdad. Feliz 2012. Besos, Angela.

  14. Bonne année! Quel bonheur ces magnifiques Danish butter cookies à zéro calorie!!!

  15. I love butter cookies! I could seriously eat a tin of them myself and yours look great!

    Happy New Year my dear! I hope you are feeling better? soon?...

    Sounds like your staycation was wonderful, beside the cold water and being sick. :(

    Hubby almost didn't make it to midnight, but, I kept waking him, he goes to bed earlier than that usually, not like me. ;)

    Those tiny candies remind me of your tiny gold fish. I don't know how you do it, but, I love that you do!

    Many blessings to you and yours in the new year. Perhaps we will celebrate the Chinese New Year this year. I recall we were out for sushi last year around that time.


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D