
Friday, December 30, 2011

Miniature Danish Butter Cookies in 1/12 scale

I'm rushing off to meet Asuka and Sans for a year end celebration. So much to celebrate about! ^ ^ so this will be a quick one. I've listed just 2 sets since they took a long time to make. so fiddly, each 1:12 danish butter cookie is only about 3-4mm wide, i'm possibly -too- fussy about scale? heh.

more pics, and you can find more pics and measurements, or purchase them here on my Etsy:


Although I didn't manage to make the 300 mark, it's been really nice to discover myself featured on quite a number of sites over the Christmas period! I kept blushing at the nice things that were said about my work, and yea, omg, i seem to be obsessive over cookies yuh!??!? I hadn't realized! guess that's what happens when i just want to be really good at something, do it over, and over, and OVER AGAIN.

and yet, i feel like there's more to be learnt and done!

So what are these sites? i don't know if they are blog aggregators or whatever, I have no idea who submitted my work in, but i'm so thankful, so whomever did this, THANK YOU! :D

It all started here-

really cheered me up, apart from a very funny and cute Christmas card i got from Dale. so ending this year with 2 other good friends (well almost, will spend eve with bf and family if this head cold doesn't get worse, sinus headaches are *@#&($*#&@#), is keeping this smile on my face (despite the thumping headache haha!)

i wanted to list more gummy bears (new packaging!) and larger scaled items, but i'm going to be late for the dinner...and since i'm taking a short holiday before the new year starts EXCITING OMG starting the year with giving a lesson on Tuesday, YAY! and commissions lined's indeed a nice change from the last few months :P

so. preview of what will be available in 2012, both in 1:3 and 1:12 (though pics for the 1:12 aren't taken yet, camera battery went flat GAHHH)

(lol my cousin got me a cute little Christmas gift, a 1:3 Macbook Air HEEE it's actually a pocket mirror)

1:3 cookies and sweets and chocolates and more! :D

email me at snowfern at gmail dot com if you wish to reserve some of these 1:3 goodies, though most of it will be made-to-order :)

oh oh, and that CNY preview? these are the only photos i have until the camera battery comes back to life...-_-"

for Singaporeans, this should be pretty easy to guess what i have been making ;) in 1:3 and 1:6 only though, too difficult to do a 1:12 XD will talk more about this in 2012 ;)

AND I'm not done yet! bf has been working hard on his site, and just for fun, he's been making a calendar, you can download January 2012 from here:

i like it, not just cos i'm biased, it's my desktop wallpaper now. ^_^ I'm ready for 2012, ARE YOU??


(haha this post is such a contrast to the last depressing one eh? XD )


  1. The Danish biscuits in the box are fantastic.
    Happy New Year to you too!

  2. Arghhhh !!! Quality Allsort AND Danish Cookies !!!! I LOVE THEM !!!! Let us see if we can trust mail and then ..
    Best wishes and hugs for a Happy New Year and , please, give a big hug to Sans ans Asuka. i'll be with you in my houghts.

  3. The cookies look delicious! Happy new year!

  4. The danish butter cookies are fantastic! I like these cookies with tea.
    Happy new year to you and yours!
    Kiss Faby

  5. Your cookies are fantastic! Happy New Year!

  6. La lata de galletas danesas es espectacular. Feliz año.

  7. Hi Cindy! Your works always are marvelous! I deeply respect you!

    Happy New Year! I wish you the best of luck with everything, especially to the miniature works. :)

  8. Happy New Year Cindy! Your danish cookies are truly amazing!!

  9. I hope you come home to tons of orders!!!! Finally saw the cookies and shiiiiikes! Gonna smack you more fretting over what's already perfect ok in 2012! Beautiful job!

    Come over and see nakkkkkkied pics of yourself afterwards...still blogging :)

  10. Love your cookies :) Wish you all the best and have a Happy & Fulfilling year in 2012.

  11. Your cookies are absolutely incredible but what I want to know is how in the world did you make the 1:12 butter cookie LINERS? dying to make some good ones like yours, mine always have a flat spot...please help...xx


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D