
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Donuts! Donuts! Donuts!

donuts again! took the photos yesterday morning, packed away the items, and promptly forgot about them.

 you can find these here:

blue!!! an odd colour for donuts, i know, but eh.....i'm a little odd too ;)

back to classic chocolate donuts. i love my new range of sprinkles....i think i went a little overboard with them though XD

was meaning to offer this as my first set of cupcake shaped cookies as mentioned in my previous post, but.....LOL -_-"

time for bed. hope you like these too :)
p.s. on a side note, although i prefer these photos due to the clarity in detail, it seems pics from my previous post (a little too overexposed for my liking, was cloudy today and had to edit the photos :( ) would be more suitable for treasuries??? help me out here, what do you all think???


  1. I love your cupcake cookies and the doughnouts. The colours are gorgeous.

  2. Oh my god, donuts!!!!!!! Love 'em!

  3. Whoa, those are seriously small bows on the trays. Colors are great...I would buy blue donuts, I guess that makes me odd, too??? Lovin' the flower-shaped chocolate glazed that's making me want one NOW! Not gonna offer an opinion on the photos cause I'm a $h*tty photographer XD

  4. It tells you are a tender and gentle girl from the presentation of these sweets!

  5. Cinds, I prefer the photos in this post! :)

    And since I have seen the cupcakes and donuts in real life :), I can vouch for their cutiness and how happy they made an 11 year old girl and a 30+ year old lady :)

  6. Woow, your cupcake cookies are so sweet ! And I love your donuts, in particular the classic chocolate, my favourite in real life :D
    Have a nice day,


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