
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cupcake and Icecream Cookies

This is my personal set :) the one in my hand was taken before it was glued on, i decided to just affix it after the cookies kept shifting while i was trying to take a decent pic of it XD and since i love it so much, it's mine! mine! all mine!!! :D

i've listed the rest on Etsy and Zibbet :) 

i have lots more to do yet, but i really hope to make some sales to cover the costs of materials for TDA 2011....boy those larger scales sure do suck up the clay fast :P

oooo and yes, i've finally listed something in playscale/YoSD :)'s a group shot!
yea it's a tad plain. i think i'll use a tablecloth next time, but i do so love the table i got from Ann hee :X

ok! enough of the promo stuff!!!
.....if you haven't already noticed it......

i made some cupcake-cookie-lollipops!!! :P :P :P these aren't for sale cos...they're mine!!! ALL MINE!!! XD of course, if any of you wish for me to make some, i'd be happy to accept commissions :) i kind of ran out of steam, so i'll list some maybe another time...

and because i'm so fond of showing off my failures, here's my practice pieces. i'd mentioned in many previous posts that i have difficulty putting together ideas, creativity isn't my strong suit so i always wind up wasting plenty of clay trying to achieve what i ultimately would try and sell. here's just a small glimpse of what i 'discarded'. my inspiration came from, she not only does beautiful work, she's super generous as well! there's tonnes of tutorials for real life cake decorating techniques, and recipes too!

you can probably tell, piping is not easy! i've blogged before here how i do it.....i keep hoping someone out there can show me an easier way to achieve the same results but...i guess i'll have to keep doing it the messy way for now.....T-T

aaand.....more failures XD these cookies are TOO HUGE! i got overly excited after receiving news of TDA 2011 opening up applications for dealer booths (see you on the 18th of June!) that i made a huuuge cookie cutter.....
......which kinda looks odd even for 1:3. :( NO MATTER. i've been meaning to make some jewellery anyway, so it'll go into my stash of cutters :D

i realize it's been a long time since i've posted WIP pics. i miss those, but i'm trying to cut down cos it makes the blog so messy bleh. NEVERMIND! here's what i used for some of the above cookies! some, i've rejected, or kept aside for use at a more appropriate time. here's the old post where i talked about how i made the cutters. instead of pie tin for the larger ones, i used 0.5mm aluminum sheets i got from the art supplies store.

see the largest one on the left? T-T haha. anyway, i made a new and i -think- better next to it. the cookies are waiting to be piped now...the cookies take 3 baking times. the first for the shapes + pastel shadings, 2nd for the 'frosting/flooding' and the 3rd for the piping. i really can't see any way around it to get the results i want. :( am i being too fussy??? the answer probably is YES *cries even harder* I'm SORREEEEE!~~~ *whiny high pitch* hahaha *winks at Steph and Susan*

i don't use any template and simply 'freestyle' it with round-nosed pliers....but cos i 'stalk' Rosey Sugar too, she recently linked to a japanese tutorial that showed how to make your own cutters!!!

i guess if i could draw (*CRIES AGAIN*) i would be able to do better with a template and not waste so much for those who are interested perhaps you could check out the above links for more inspiration :)

gosh this has been a whiny post. PHEW! i needed to vent! well, for the past few months, i've been feeling rather poorly, and the doc has figured out why. i am now on diabetes AND cholesterol meds, so it seems my kidneys and liver are...uh....not that of a 34-year old woman. my sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits probably has something to do with it too....i'm gonna try and get back to my swimming regime now that the meds are supposed to help with the fatigue, but only after i get over the giddiness and nausea that seems to be side effects of the meds. i'm trying not to think about it and focus on my minis, and setting up a better eating/exercise schedule. i'm looking forward to swimming again, the weather's been so good for it lately!! :D :D :D

=====/RANT OFF======

i always feel so grateful for having discovered minis, and the places it has taken me :) thank you all for being a part of it ^ ^ *warm fuzzy feelingss* haha omg i'm so mushy today......

p.s. yes, i made the white plastic displays as well :)


  1. I usually am not much the reading type. I usually just look at pictures and leave (commenting isn't my strong suit either).
    But I like you're open way of writing, it's... charming :D

    Anyway! The cookies are great! so adorable :)
    And thanks for all the tutorials as well (cutters and piping) now I'm going to take a look at those. (although I don't have much time to play around I still have some wholesale orders to finish ><) (I might raise my prices again just to have less work lol)


  2. Wonderful cookies !!!!
    Too bad news :o((( on health side but you have the right attitude.
    Thanks for al the tuts and links, I shall look at them, decide they are FAR too difficult for me and keep looking at your fabulous works. A big big hug from far far away, Rosanna

  3. What a neat post! Looking forward for more post from you. Thank you for sharing!

  4. The ice cream and cup cake cookies look YUM! I wish the bakeries near my home made something like that...

    And I was sad to hear that you haven't been feeling well... but I'm glad they found out why! Feel better!

  5. Everything looks very, very good!

  6. Yay!!! I likey the productivity!! Love, love, love the cupcake and ice cream cone cookies!!! How goes it at Zibbet? I like their site. Oh man, more to discuss...ready for the novel? :)

  7. The pink doughnuts are so beautiful, Jackie


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