
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

1:6 scale miniature Sushi Platters

Phew! This has got to be the most challenging commission yet! Late last year, a request came in from a gentleman who was a sushi fan, and he showed me his impressive collection of sushi-related items, such as pens, fake food displays from Japan, Re-ment sets, and even dollhouse scaled miniatures.

You can check out his amazing collection here!

Thanks Russell :)

Although I had already stopped accepting commissions late last year due to various personal and health reasons, he had already approached 2 other miniaturists and seemed increasingly dejected about not being able to find anyone to achieve his vision. My own fear was that, due to unpredictable and unstable situations at home and with my health, I didn't want to disappoint him a third time!!! So I requested that I could only do it if I was given a flexible schedule to work with...this is a big ask, I mean, what if I left him hanging, right? Not that I've ever done that before, but being what it has been for me, hasn't exactly been 'less than interesting' XD

Anyway,  we came to an agreement, he left me to it, and 5 months later......

1:6, playscale miniature sushi platter. Microbeads, air dry clay, acrylic paint, UV resin, epoxy resin (oke), paper, sealant 

1:6, playscale miniature sushi platter. Air dry clay, acrylic paint, UV resin, epoxy resin (oke), paper, sealant

these were photos before I glued everything down, the actual items are arranged slightly differently, but I prefer this photoshoot/arrangement...trying to allow a bit more asymmetry into my life (I am the type of person who cannot resist straightening a crooked painting, and as a kid would gladly spend hours at departmental stores arranging toys and candies on the shelves. No, not OCD. Really. REALLY. :P) I guess in my eyes, these little imperfections are more reflective of how my life is like, a little wonky. Looks like I've progressed in that department. A little. yeah, i think too much.

He also took the time to list out each and every sushi name, with photo references, which helped me greatly in achieving as much realism as possible. Although these are also referenced against his actual collection of life sized fake sushi items, I decided to go for a little more realism (or at least, from what I've seen in photos, I don't eat sushi too frequently), and I hope it's reflected in the results.

1:6 playscale miniature sushi variety

Just FYI, the Singapore 10-cent coin is 1.8cm, or 11/16 inches in diameter

Each and every sushi, was individually sculpted. Even each individual grain of rice, although not visible here, was painstakingly put together. You can view them in my WIP photos in my instagram account @snowfern, or facebook page at No molds were used, except for the containers/okes, which were made by modifying a random plastic container cover that I found at home ages ago, creating a silicon mold, casting with epoxy resin, and finished by sanding, then detailing the rim with acrylic paint. Although the original oke had a gold image on the sides, the quote did not include it as I have very little experience with painting images, and was afraid it would turn out too primitive/amateur looking. 

The greatest challenge, and why this took so long (apart from real life interruptions) was that I had never made these in 1:6 scale before. The most common scales I work with are in 1:12, 1:3 and some 1:4, and if you've crossed scales in minimaking before, you'll understand that it always takes quite a bit of adjustment and tweaking to cater to shrinkage, the translucency of the clay and paint.....etc. etc. Also, due to this, I had to re-do a number of pieces as air dry clay takes sometimes days to dry fully before the actual colour/translucency is shown, so a lot of it is trial and error. And leftover itty bitty pieces of clay XD

Thus ties up the last of my customer obligations until after my wedding/move in September. People around me are getting more nervous than I am, and I really ought to get that dress and bouquet much to do but, yeah. it's not exactly at the top of my priority list. I guess I'm too old to be an excited bride. |||XD |||XD |||XD
(haha those are wrinkles above my brow)

Meanwhile, I will still be working on some 1:12 items and youtube videos, and sprucing up my Patreon page. Plans are, once I've settled into my new life as a wife, and mini-making schedule, I will start work on that book that I keep harping on about. But I need some passive income to make that possible, medical bills and all that :( So if you see posts disappearing or edited to appear 'shinier' and less whingy, don't be alarmed, I haven't changed, I just need to put some spit and shine on this old barn :P

Thanks so much for all the love, care and support this far. *bows* :)


  1. You sure can!! I'd love everyone to see my collection!

  2. Last week, while surfing the internet looking at miniature items, I happened upon your blog and lovely creations. What is so entertaining is your spunky personality shining through in your writings that I have so enjoyed reading! As for your video, I learned at least two things: you have a very nice voice, and you definitely will not be an "old" bride, because your hands are quite young and lovely! :) Hope all goes well with your health and life!

  3. These sushi are unbelievably realistic!!! Absolutely love them. Keep up the good work and best wishes on your wedding and health.

  4. OMG these are AMAZING! I cannot believe these aren't real nigiri. You even added my #1 all-time favorite, Anago!
    @Russell Levine - Your collection is a feast for the eyes, thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. :) I admire your dedication and passion.
    I'm suddenly very hungry. :D

  5. OMG these are AMAZING! I cannot believe these aren't real nigiri. You even added my #1 all-time favorite, Anago!
    @Russell Levine - Your collection is a feast for the eyes, thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. :) I admire your dedication and passion.
    I'm suddenly very hungry. :D


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D