
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

1:3 miniature papayas, EOY 2014 this weekend!

cross-posted at, 2 new blog posts over there, this one cross posted as there's a BJD setup at EOY2014 this coming weekend! :)


1:3 miniature papayas - airdryclay, acrylics, sealants

Wahey!! This request came in at a pretty close to the deadline, and I was a little worried that it wouldn't dry in time, but the weather has been pretty warm lately (although humid, but I kept the fan directly on them 24/7!) so I managed to finish it on time!

KW Designs wanted some papayas for use with his setup for this weekend's EOY 2014 at Marina Barrage! I wish I could participate too, there are SOOOO many wonderful setups organized by Fujiwara Yukino, I hope to drop by if my health permits....Please do go down if you have the time!

Event details and how to get there can be found here:

1:3 papaya milk ice blended drink, epoxy resin, acrylics

Meanwhile, here's the blender which KW Designs passed to me to fill with 'papaya milk ice blend' :) I decided to make the lid for the blender as well, since I had spare materials at hand, and hope he doesn't mind! (kept it as a surprise haha) Should be an interesting setup!


Selfie of Ginger in my favourite wig XD Just because it makes me smile ^_^

Thursday, July 3, 2014

1:6 scale miniature playscale 80s Singapore tidbits

The DSLR won this round. I am still struggling with the settings, and the macro clip-ons. I suppose the photos look good from far, but are far from good T-T They'll have to do for now because I am a little busy!

The request was for 1:6 items, a rare request! They are double the size of the ones I made for a personal 80s Singapore project. Quite a number of people have asked where I had obtained the images, all the graphics were made by me using inkscape, referencing photos I had found online.

Yotsuba is 12cm tall, which makes her about 1:10 scale, so these are a tad large for her! They would be suitable for playscale dolls like Barbie. Pullip, Blythe etc, but I think my customer ordered them for possibly YoSD sized dolls? I really ought to put them with some Re-ment but eh, already packed them away hehehhe oops

 1:6 scale miniature White Rabbit Milk sweets and Haw Flakes, polymer clay, paper, Inkscape, sealant, glue

1:6 scale miniature Mamee Noodle Snack, air dry clay, decal, plastic, paper, Inkscape, sealant, glue, acrylic paint

Some of these might not be familiar to those who aren't living in Southeast Asia, but I have had people reporting in from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and even the USA who say they're still available in Chinatown areas! Wooo!

1:6 scale miniature seaweed rings, Spin potato snacks, air dry clay, acrylic paint, sealant, plastic

These were the most time consuming to make, and there are 50 pcs in each package. The Spin crackers used to taste and look slightly different from these when I was younger, and had a flavour other than MSG :X I miss eating them! They also came in a cone, not packaged like this. As for how do I do my plastic packaging, let's just say, I still fail alot and so am not confident in revealing my methods :( But you can try and be creative with an iron, just be careful! :X

GROUP SHOT! I hope she likes them :) I certainly enjoyed making them, quite a challenge!

I have also opened up a pre-order for the 1:3 Ramen and Udon bowls that were pretty popular, you can find more details here:

however there are only 2 bowls left, they were snapped up faster than expected, thank you all :)