
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

1:3 miniature papayas, EOY 2014 this weekend!

cross-posted at, 2 new blog posts over there, this one cross posted as there's a BJD setup at EOY2014 this coming weekend! :)


1:3 miniature papayas - airdryclay, acrylics, sealants

Wahey!! This request came in at a pretty close to the deadline, and I was a little worried that it wouldn't dry in time, but the weather has been pretty warm lately (although humid, but I kept the fan directly on them 24/7!) so I managed to finish it on time!

KW Designs wanted some papayas for use with his setup for this weekend's EOY 2014 at Marina Barrage! I wish I could participate too, there are SOOOO many wonderful setups organized by Fujiwara Yukino, I hope to drop by if my health permits....Please do go down if you have the time!

Event details and how to get there can be found here:

1:3 papaya milk ice blended drink, epoxy resin, acrylics

Meanwhile, here's the blender which KW Designs passed to me to fill with 'papaya milk ice blend' :) I decided to make the lid for the blender as well, since I had spare materials at hand, and hope he doesn't mind! (kept it as a surprise haha) Should be an interesting setup!


Selfie of Ginger in my favourite wig XD Just because it makes me smile ^_^


  1. Beautiful work Cindy! As usual, you have raised the bar with the food products that you produce! I LOVE IT ALL! :D


    1. Hi Elizabeth! Thank you thank you so much! You always have such kind words for my work *blush*


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D