
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Miniature Impulse Sealer in 1:12

1:12 scale dollhouse miniature impulse sealer. Resin, brass, aluminum, glue, acrylic paint.

Apologies for the blurry photo, it looked alright on the phone but it's really hard to tell after transferring it to the laptop :( difficult to take a photo with just one hand too hurhur.

My grandma had one of these at home, back when she ran a small provisions store. I was never allowed to touch it lest I hurt myself, or spoil it. So of course the tidbits stall had to have one, how else would the owner seal the biscuits ey? :P

I wanted to write a more comprehensive post with more photos of my progress NEXT week, but something silly and funny and surprising and probably life-changing happened today, while having breakfast at Toastbox. But as usual, until things solidify, I dowanna jinx it. BUT I do want to jot it down, so I know I'm not hallucinating. Let's hope I know what nonsense this is about when I read about it in the future. :E

And no of course it doesn't work.


(lame joke, I know)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi there Cindy, you are just about the most talented miniature artist i have come across! Your eye for details is just amazing and your work is breath taking. And i am sure you have tons of fans and people who love you. I've been through your site a bit, and i just had to write this note - you're superbly skilled, but do you have to be so rude and cranky at times?

    I'm sure you googled and youtubed your way to being this awesome Michelangelo of the Miniature world, but i wish you would have compassion for those who did google/youtube and yet still have questions - not everyone is given talent by God/Universe to go forth and make wonderfully spellbinding miniatures just from googling or youtubing! Hence, the questions they have - yes, the very ones that seem to irritate you.

    This is your site and you have every right to be rude, but it's a site that's open to the public and i have every right to tell you that i wish your attitude didn't stink so much, because it's over powering your gift and making people like me not want to visit your site so much. What you do with this info is entirely up to you.

    1. Hi Risa, I'm not sure how I have displeased you so much that you felt compelled to criticize me in this manner, although the anonymity makes me wonder if you are a troll. :/ I have a terribly twisted sense of humour and perhaps it comes across horribly on my blog. You're right. This is a site that's open to the public and I had no idea I was coming off as rude, though I totally claim the cranky - chronic, debilitating pain does that to me (which I had explained a few times I think...:-/ )

      I was at first quite taken aback by your comment, and frankly, I think you are taking my writing a little too seriously. However, I have learnt from you that my blog posts are coming across very unprofessional (which was my original intent - this blog started out as a personal documentation of my learning process) and whether to keep it this way is indeed something to mull over.

      Thank you for writing, I shall take your comments into consideration.


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D