
Monday, November 25, 2013

Miniature Patisserie Items in PINK!

 *GULP* I was really nervous trying to put this together. Pink is a recent ....shall we say, acquired taste? Maybe it's age, and I've blogged about it before, but pink is slowly inching into my wardrobe and accessories :O Maybe it's due to over-exposure, pink being a very popular colour with my customers, hence learning to embrace it was what felt to be - at first - a very necessary evil.

But, pairing it with other colours makes me less nervy, like a hint of silver, a flash of gold, tempered by lots and lots of white XD I already find this quite an overload of pink!

 Ta-dah! Now available on my Etsy: :)

Made pretty much everything, from the pastries, to designing and printing the boxes, the pastry cases for the St Honore, cake boards for the eclairs, plate stands, doily...even the clear pink tray.......

Everything is affixed to the base, except for the macaron tray, and snowfern clover logo, which are loose for added versatility. Measurements are in my Etsy link :) And if you've not already guessed, there're a few more ideas churning in my brain along these be updated over the next few weeks. ;)

this isn't exactly 1:12 but I made it for a customer who specified the length of the corndog to be 1-inch long. I have re-opened commissions for Nov-Dec and you are interested in anything I have made in larger sizes in 1:12, do contact me (details are in the Custom Request page) and we'll see what can be done.

I'm looking towards putting a number of items as stock clearance, these are my older items and will be going for a special price, not sure if I should list it here or on my FB page, but I will definitely update via FB, so if you haven't already, please 'Like' it! :D

(oh and remember to add my page to your interest links to be updated, it's via the gear icon next to the message button, yada yada yada....)

OR, follow my twitter 
(I apologize for the spam recently, twitter acct got hacked but I've changed the password and all seems to be well now!)

OR......instagram, where I update more frequently than blog! 

okay. enough of the social media harping (another necessary evil that is harder and harder to like grrrr)....:P back to work!


  1. Your miniatures always make me smile. I think the pink is great...not overdone...just right. Beautiful work, Cindy.

  2. Preciosos, una maravilla.
    Un abrazo.

  3. Everything looks great! :)
    Wszystko wygląda wspaniale, świetna praca! :)


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