
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Miniature Nuts, Berries and Cheese, in dollhouse scale this time!

yeah yeah, we can go on about how I'm going nuts here, and actually, that's exactly why I decided to post today. ;) here's something I made alongside a larger sized commission I did last month. miniature polymer clay nuts! I got the metal nutcracker off greedbay some time ago, finally! a chance to use it!

aaaaand, also inspired by the same commission, dollhouse miniature berries and cheese! polymer clay too ^ ^

==========================personal crap here=========================

so there's good news, and bad news.

the good news is that i've been taken off my diabetic meds cos my (semi-) strict diet and weight loss is keeping my blood sugar levels low. WOOT!

the bad news? the doc put me on 2 different antibiotics right now for a stupid infection that's causing my whole right inner upper arm (what's the correct term?)/armpit to swell. it's a little alarming, it all started with a typical sebaceous cyst in my armpit that started swelling to the size of a hazelnut, and overnight the surrounding area started hurting and a lump the size of a baby potato appeared T-T quickly headed for the polyclinic yesterday and was told that the inflammation was probably due to my diabetes. SIGH. can't win 'em all. if the lump doesn't go away (the potato one, the hazelnut one pretty much cleared up after 2 doses of the antibiotics), surgery has to be considered. wtf, i've had enough surgeries tyvm. NO MORE. PLEASE T-T the whole inner upper arm area is now slightly pink, and dad says it's probably cos the lump has to dissipate. I hope he's right. i'm skaird, HOLD ME PLEASE~~~~~~~~~~~~~

/drama off

so until i'm done with this course of antibiotics that'll probably cause my hair to fall out (AGAIN), my hands will be shaky (am trembling and sweating profusely now, which is why I'm not working now T-T), and so will not be taking commission requests until i'm sure this stupid problem is done away with. this and some other stupid ultrasound that I have to go for cos this whole body is falling apart. fret not, given my medical track record, i'll probably live a long and miserable life. it's usually the strong healthy ones that drop dead suddenly right? yeah, definitely not me. though, if my right arm drops off....OMFG HOW'M I GONNA MAKE MINIS!??!?! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


k well. it's may day, and dad's gonna be at hong lim park at 4-ish, he's gonna speak for a bit, wish I could be there to support him. GO DAD GO!!!!

*apologies if this post is crazier than usual, i'm really not quite myself as you can probably tell.


  1. Gah! So sorry to hear about the medical issues you're experiencing. Sending good thoughts and lots of well wishes your way. Please do take care of yourself. :)


  2. Hi Cindy! You have certainly had your share of misery, by the sounds of it. A lump of any size is frightening and although you seem to have a fighting spirit, you must be so tired of it all and you definitely need to find a spiritual rest somewhere and sometime soon. Your miniature work is superb and the new creations of the nuts is really outstanding! I will be keeping you in my thoughts and I pray for the best possible outcome as you battle this serious infection.


  3. *Hugs Sandi*

    Thanks, so sorry for the late reply, been feeling down and in a lot of pain lately, finally feeling good enough to get back in the swing of things :) Hope things are going well for you too, LOVING the cute little fabric kits you've been listing lately! they're ADORBS!

  4. Hey Elizabeth, thanks for commenting, yes, I've had to take time out to recover from what seems like non-stop smacks on the back of my head from LIFE. grr. It's very heartwarming to see new people commenting, very encouraging too :) Your blog looks like a nice place to hang out at, and your work is very inspirational and lovely! The infection is gone PHEW! Thanks again :)


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D