
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year everyone! I've just had my reunion dinner with my family, and am very sleepy now XD

Clover of course gets some goodies as well! Here are some traditional Nonya new year treats, clockwise from top:

Pineapple tarts, Kueh Bangkit, Kueh Bolu

Clover took a nibble out of this one ;) As a kid, this used to be my favourite snack, not limited to just the Chinese New Year period. If i had to describe how it tastes like, would be a drier version of a sponge cake perhaps? and a much crisper outer layer :) Dunking it into a cold cup of Miranda orange.....mmmm! wish I had some now :P

She has quite the sweet tooth it seems! I've made some 1:4 donuts, and figured it was time for Clover to earn her keep :E (and yes, I also made that pearl headband ^ ^)

one bite....after the other......


All of the other items, and more available in my Etsy store :)

here's a preview of some of the 1:4 items available!


 Beautiful ispahans...I love these shots of her!

I know I've mentioned that I would post my larger scaled items over in my new doll-related blog,

however i'm not sure if everyone who reads this blog knows about it yet,'s what you can expect to see in that blog! Also, this is just half of the post, do read the rest of it here:

You can also follow my facebook page for updates on when I list new items, or update my other blog. remember to set the option in your feeds to show my updates, and add my page to your fave topics (or something like that, FB keeps changing the way they do things grrrr)!



  1. Happy Chinese New Year,big hugs and great luck toyou all.
    Clover might be a sweet tooth but she is a sweetie herself!

  2. My fav was kueh bangkit! :):) Forgot to wear your tart pin today! :)

  3. Happy chinese New Year! The gourmandises are fantastics..Hugs

  4. Happy New Year everyone! Thanks for the nice and encouraging comments :D

    Sans, I wore mine, the pin abit tight I think I lost quite a bit of hair XD


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D