
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Miniatures for BJDs (1:3) are now available! ^ ^

1:3 scale miniature macarons with piped embellishments

Managed to package all the macarons ^ ^ They are all available at my Etsy store:

some drinks in 1:3 scale are available too :) I ran out of resin making these, but will attempt to restock this weekend ^ ^

Enjoyed making these too, the tilted one simulating a half-drunk cup was really tricky, but it is my fave :D also listed in the store! closeups of individual pieces are in the listings, too many to show here.....

[obligatory vanity shots of my latest items together XD ]
I don't feel anymore excited or anxious about EOY 2012, I guess it's cos I'm not really selling, and that has put me in a more relaxed mood to enjoy making these items :) The rainy and cold weather has caused some old injuries to flare up, meaning I took quite a number of painkillers this week, so that might have contributed to the relatively good mood I'm in XD



  1. I can't wait to see you guys :)!

    You have surpassed yourself with those drinks, woman! Ab fab work!

  2. Your piping work is incredible! And those drinks - your talent astounds me! I love looking at your blog, always unique, and such perfectly done work! Kudos!


  3. Everything is so cute. I would love to buy your 1/3 bubble teas if you every decide to put them up on etsy ^^


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D