
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Petits Filous in 1-24

here is the most challenging request i've had to date. a 1:24 scale dollhouse miniature of "Petits Filous" which is a popular yoghurt pot (i think?)...i've tried the other yoplait pots, they were a 'test' to see if i could tolerate yoghurt - mainly in taste and cos was really lactose intolerant back then...too much info? :P

  7mm x 5mm x 2mm diameter for the pots.
in case you were wondering, yes, i made the individual plastic pots using the vacuumform method i've mentioned a few times previously. had to form a 'tap and die' out of acrylic rod and spare acrylic piece i had lying around, then form pots using it, cut the pots, fill with resin, work on the graphics, print out the decals, and assemble. see the random empty pots in the background? those are the rejects, only 8 usable pots came out of 50+ pieces of wasted trial and errors. :(

which is why i am going to limit my commissioned items LOL. it's a lot of work over 3 days just to get it done. i hope my customer likes it. :)


 1:12 miniature strawberry St Honore
*sings* one of these pastries is not like the other....~~can you tell which? :P will be made available soon as i finish up some other odds and ends. :E

another 1:6 request i completed recently. they look so big here! :O had to make a new macaron shape for my customer as she prefers the rounder type, i personally prefer the flatter look, but in re-examining these photos, i think the ispahan does look cute ^ ^

now that i'm finishing up the commissions, i feel somewhat more relaxed and am excited to work on the ideas that have been brewing in my head the past 3 months! WATCH OUT WORLD RAWRRRRRRRRRRR

(oh and, please add me as friend if you play spicebandits, my game center ID is snowfernclover kthxbye~!)
P.S. it seems Google Friend Connect has retired:

i've 'lost' all my 'members' (over 500 of you!) so if you would like to be updated when i post here, please 'join' again, i've set up the blogger version on the right ------>

thank you!


  1. hehe I actually like the rounder macaroons too! The flatter ones look more elegant I think, the rounder one has a cute feeling :)

  2. Wow, those Petit filous are bloody clever. They look fabulous! You are a genius you realise!

  3. Dearie we were talking of you and here you are with a new masterpiece !!!
    Have we already told you that you are nut ?
    And did I already thank you for the FABULOUS tea boxes ?
    If not it's been super rude of me but not out of unthankfullness because I couldn't stop at looking at them.
    We talked so much of you singing your praise that writing slipped through my mind, it was a bit like having you here. A big big hug just for you , Rosanna

  4. Wow. Incredible. They're so tiny and wonderful. You really are talented! :)

  5. omg!!! How do you even print something THAT small! Incredible!!!!

  6. Every time I think you can't possibly outdo yourself, you prove me wrong. ;) This is the most intricate and fabulous mini I've ever seen - the packaging you do is perfect, the details are spot on real!!! Incredible! Simply incredible!!! I love your work!

  7. The Petit Filous are truly amazing.. great work! :)
    Big hugs from Venice, Italy


  8. Hi, I love all your work, but am jumping in here to ask a question unrelated to your post hope that is ok... :D
    I read on CDHM about you making an acrylic bread box, I was wondering what you used to cut the acrylic, have been reading up and not sure what implement of mine I should tackle it with Hope you can help!

  9. See you haven't been posting for a while too. Firstly, those teeny petite filous are maddeningly amazing!

    Next, I rejoin your blog and realise that I am next to you in time :):). Apparently, I was not deleted after all. Hard to get rid of me :)

  10. Congrats, you got the MTW Award 2012 :). See


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