
Friday, March 2, 2012

Feature: Pepper of MitchyMooMiniatures

These are the works of the fantastic and totally awesome Pepper of MitchyMooMiniatures! i had followed her flickr stream like, aeons ago, and was so excited to find that she had started a blog last year (if i recall correctly? lemme check)

yep last year! imagine my surprise when i found out she also blogs extensively about her processes, and offers tutorials as well. i love DIY stuff, so i knew i'd fallen in love with her (:P) twice over. i started leaving my *ahem* sycophantic comments (augh, i can't help it, you know how when you get all fangirly over someone and just fawn over their works and no matter what you say you just wind up coming across as a brown-noser?! ok maybe you don't but i certainly couldn't help myself *insert painful laughter here*)

ok awkward moment over. i wanted to buy some of her work, but to my disappointment she was not selling her works!! :O after a span of months of me heavily hinting and suggesting a swap, she finally relented and LOOK WHAT I GOT OMG

this was the first piece i unwrapped. i let out a loud gasp and started gurgling random words while handing it over with shaky hands to my dad. his first words to me were, "you must work harder Ling" after i showed him what i had made for her. *more painful laughter* yes, i'm working on that!

she even thoughtfully provided 2 books for it :D
 it even opens! the swivel is so smooth, and even closes with a snug 'shnick'. ohh~~ and that lamp?!?! i can't seem to take a good photo of it, i will try again in daylight and not finagle with my stupid lights.... it has like little translucent flowers all over it, at different angles it looks like butterflies.... the lamp is both masculine and feminine at the same time (to me!) i <3 it so!
AND IT LIGHTS. *swoons*

k uhm. where was i.

so this was the piece that i originally thought i was swapping for, i got so excited over her agreeing to the swap that i totally forgot about all the other items after she posted up photos of this on her blog. so yes, i was really shocked to see the large package and multiple pieces. o.O and oh man, it's so hard to photograph this! every single moving part fits snugly and smoothly, orz orz orz i bow to her |337 skillz~! i cannot WAIT to start filling this up. *serious look*

see!??!? ahhhhh~~~ i don't even have a place to display these pieces *goes into panic mode again*

this coffee table really surprised me. the moment i unwrapped this, i knew what sort of sofa i wanted to make to go with it, even got the fabric for it, that's how inspirational her work is to me.

and another working light!!! Pepper even thoughtfully included the batteries required for these.....:) i have plans to use it as a showcase lamp in yet another one of my unfinished projects -_-" hee hee!

and though we had agreed on items we wanted for the swap, she added this at the last minute after i stupidly blurted out how much i coveted it when she showed this on her blog (i really should not surf my favourite blogs late at night/early morning, my brain-mouth-hand filter just doesn't exist then) and *sighs in exasperation?!?* i do love it soooo much but i feel so bad and embarrassed for even using the word 'covet' yea i don't even know what to say right now i'm feeling so mixed cos i'm glad i got it, but ashamed for how i got it :( THANK YOU PEPPER!!!!!

see. SEE!??!? see why i <3 it so much!??!? i really wish i had a proper setup or scene for all these beautiful items. i know i'll be using them over and over again though :P they're within easy reach all the time heh heh :P

ok aside from the schoolgirlish nature of the post so far, i must say these pieces are quite something to behold. they have a certain weight to them, and the smell of the woods (or varnish??) gets me all excited about using (i cannot say play!!! :P ) them, i keep imagining scenes i could place them in, daydreaming on the bus to and from work :P

please pay her blog a visit if you haven't already, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and my photos do not do her work justice.

MitchyMooMiniatures Blog:
pinchofpepper's flickr stream:

Thank you so much Carol. I will forever treasure these. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) <---oi these weren't cut and pasted ok! :P


  1. You VERY VERY LUCKY girl !!!!
    They are AWESME: I love them to bits and I understand if your heart lost a beat.
    I'll go immediately to her blog.
    Hugs, Rosanna

  2. Well dang, that is just completely awesome stuff!!!!
    I'm sure you'll make her amazing stuff in return too, you guys are both pretty darn talented!!!

  3. Both of your blogs are so inspiring! ;)

  4. I'm so jealous! What an amazing haul. Pepper is seriously the best.
    I'm right there with you, I used to stalk (I mean admire) her on flickr and now can't get enough of her blog. I'm SOOO glad she started one. It's great having all of her tips in one place. I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun with these and I can't wait to see the couch you make to go with that coffee table. So cool!

  5. Seriously some of the most amazing modern mini pieces I have come across because of the working parts and the lights and the craftsmanship!! I am "OMG"ing with you! Collectors' choice!

    They are so very you as well, Cinds. Her blog is lovely and I too started following her a while back. She doesn't blog often but when she does, they are gems!

    C u later!

  6. Indeed you are very blessed to be on the receiving end of a swap with Pepper. I bet by the time you get several of those pieces filled with your own creations, those works of art will be twice as lovely though. Enjoy!

  7. She's crazy amazing. Man, I really want to swipe these pieces from you. Beautiful work---as I would expect.

  8. Fantastic pieces! I am soo jealous- I especially love the lamps :)

  9. So amazing XD don't be so hard on yourself, you work is really wonderful too!


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