
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Miniature Madeleines and Cookies in 1:4

Miniature polymer clay shell madeleines in 1:4 (MSD, Unoa etc) scale. I wrapped them up cos i love packaging (could you tell??? :P ) in mini! it's just simple wrapping polyethelene plastic (PE) and i used sticky tape so she can easily wrap it up again. the label was made using waterslide decal (i couldn't find it anywhere in local bookstores, i got mine off greedbay, follow the instructions that come with the sheets, i believe they're different depending on your printer/brand of decal) and though these are originally used for 1:12, i had extras (it's more cost-effective to print in batches rather than waste the expensive sheets, so i always wind up with extras -_-")

madeleines are sooo pretty! i don't quite enjoy the taste though :S but i imagine that if i used cake batter it would come out real pretty too! or maybe not, ionos, i don't bake anymore :-/ anyone out there know if the cake batter would keep its shape (i'm thinking it'd probably be greasy cos you'd have to oil the mold/pan liberally?!?) and come out a nice colour?!??!

more 1:4 cookies, for a different customer. in the interest of research, the models for these cookies were consumed within 2 days (shared with bf). i hate shredded coconut, so i'm glad the next item for 'research' will be brownie cookies ;E :E :E

macro test for olives!! in 1:12. these are approx 1.5mm each. i was introduced to olives by way of pizzas, and i used to hate it, but now that my tastebuds have somewhat matured (?!?!?) i quite enjoy the briny 'winey' taste? but i've not really had it in stuff other than pizzas and subway sammiches, i'll have to do some research. i'm guessing...salads....speaking of which, capers are plants right??? i always hear about it in cooking shows but what's so special about it? is it like, vegetarian caviar? 

rut row, my randomness is showing again.

i'm quite excited to write/take photos of some items i got in the mail recently. i cannot wait to use them!!! itching to rip the packaging open (again, haha i opened and re-wrapped it twice i couldn't stop staring and holding them!) but i have no place to store it, will make a trip to IKEA this weekend if time permits and get me some nice storage items for my growing collection. it'd be a shame for such beautiful items to sit in a box!



  1. Oh my! Looks soo real!!! I just want to grab some and eat it! Great job! xoxo,Amy

  2. Oh my! Looks soo real!!! I just want to grab some and eat it! Great job! xoxo,Amy

  3. Heaven to Murgatroid... these are amazing!!!
    How do you do it?! I could never make something so small look so real!!!!

  4. Están perfectas, son una verdadera pasada.

  5. Que buena pinta, están geniales!!

  6. Thank you everyone! ^ ^

    (and i had to look up "Heaven to Murgatroid" LOL)

  7. I love your work! So perfect and realistic!

  8. CUTE CUTE CUTE! This is probably the next best blog that I have seen in a while. I work with clay all the time, but I have never seen anything THIS tiny! Keep up the awesome work!

  9. Cindy, I always love your extra attention to detail in regards of packaging. That is what really compliments your work and makes it look so real. :)

    Martha was a big fan of Madeleines. I had never hear of them before her.

    I would imagine that they are like a buttery cookie and are not greasy at all and hold the shape from the pan quite well.

    Love the Pepperidge Farm cookies as always. :) have you made the ones with white chocolate and macademia nuts? Those are my favorites. :)


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D