
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Miniature Madeleines and Cookies in 1:4

Miniature polymer clay shell madeleines in 1:4 (MSD, Unoa etc) scale. I wrapped them up cos i love packaging (could you tell??? :P ) in mini! it's just simple wrapping polyethelene plastic (PE) and i used sticky tape so she can easily wrap it up again. the label was made using waterslide decal (i couldn't find it anywhere in local bookstores, i got mine off greedbay, follow the instructions that come with the sheets, i believe they're different depending on your printer/brand of decal) and though these are originally used for 1:12, i had extras (it's more cost-effective to print in batches rather than waste the expensive sheets, so i always wind up with extras -_-")

madeleines are sooo pretty! i don't quite enjoy the taste though :S but i imagine that if i used cake batter it would come out real pretty too! or maybe not, ionos, i don't bake anymore :-/ anyone out there know if the cake batter would keep its shape (i'm thinking it'd probably be greasy cos you'd have to oil the mold/pan liberally?!?) and come out a nice colour?!??!

more 1:4 cookies, for a different customer. in the interest of research, the models for these cookies were consumed within 2 days (shared with bf). i hate shredded coconut, so i'm glad the next item for 'research' will be brownie cookies ;E :E :E

macro test for olives!! in 1:12. these are approx 1.5mm each. i was introduced to olives by way of pizzas, and i used to hate it, but now that my tastebuds have somewhat matured (?!?!?) i quite enjoy the briny 'winey' taste? but i've not really had it in stuff other than pizzas and subway sammiches, i'll have to do some research. i'm guessing...salads....speaking of which, capers are plants right??? i always hear about it in cooking shows but what's so special about it? is it like, vegetarian caviar? 

rut row, my randomness is showing again.

i'm quite excited to write/take photos of some items i got in the mail recently. i cannot wait to use them!!! itching to rip the packaging open (again, haha i opened and re-wrapped it twice i couldn't stop staring and holding them!) but i have no place to store it, will make a trip to IKEA this weekend if time permits and get me some nice storage items for my growing collection. it'd be a shame for such beautiful items to sit in a box!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Miniature savoury (savory?) foods

 I don't ordinarily do savoury (that's how I learnt to spell it!!!)/savory foods, but recently have been making quite a number of them. totally enjoy it though, learning that browns/ochres are challenging, but can be beautiful too :)

These were made as part of a swap with Pepper of, her work is super awesome and makes me go all wobbly and  KYAAA~~~!'s on its way to her, i hope it arrives safely!!! the trifle took the longest because i couldn't quite get the deep dark colour of the strawberry jelly portion right, and when i did the fricking dye ran into the polymer clay centre/custard portion and turned it pink -_-" and the resin had already set!!! AUGH!!! pissed me right off. but at least now i know. :S

closeups of my big fingers :E


This order was really fun to make! it was a challenge, and I tried my best to interpret what my friend CH envisioned...we spent quite a number of hours and sending drawings back and forth to come up with this pair of earrings.
 i hope her friend likes it! it's made entirely out of polymer clay, and took longer than expected only cos i kept messing up the plate (initially used tebineri thinking it'd be sturdier than PC, BZZZZZZZZZZT)
in case you were wondering what's on thes ashimi platter, it's tako and lemon slices, with a sake sashimi rose, amaebi, pickled ginger chrysanthemum and wasabi leaf. the handroll platter has a fois gras and ikura handroll, with 2 slices of lemon, pickled ginger rosee and wasabi 'comet' :P

it would make a pretty nice miniature 1:12 japanese meal eh!

aaaaaaaand....i'm back to sweets ;)

1:12 miniature toddler cereal bars, also a customer request :)

another customer of mine has asked for more 1:24 items, so i promised her some prototypes......

 1:24 miniature fruit candy & 1:24 miniature gummy bears
1:24 miniature licorice allsorts & 1:24 miniature mini-marshmallows ^ ^

mmhmm. really. teeny. tiny. each square is 1mm wide.

that's it for updates for now! today's lesson has been postponed, so took the freed up time to blog. 

back to work......@ @

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Miniature Strawberry Cake and Cupcakes in 1:6

I had a cute little request for 1:6 miniature strawberry cake and cupcakes early last month, but i was unusually (:( ) busy/sick so only managed to start on it this week.

done in air dry clay. this is actually a duplicate (and doubled in size too!) of a 1:12 cake i made previously:

She also wanted matching cupcakes!

i usually make a few extras (just in case they roll out of sight or get swallowed by the carpet) so here's a couple of strawberry cupcakes that i'll make available soon (gotta take better photos, these were taken late in the day)

more pics can be found on my flickr :)


prepared some tool kits, have a couple of confirmed lessons to prepare for, these starter kits are for students who take up beginner courses :) rushing through this entry as a lesson is about to start in half hr, and i'm quite excited! fun fun fun! :D