
Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year 2012!

 Miniature Chinese New Year goodies in 1:6 (Playscale, Blythe, Barbie, Pullip)
(i hope one day i never have to keep repeating this scale stuff, but since I work in such varied sizes...better to be clear, huh!)
 made for my bf's mom :D I make a little something for her each year, and for the first 2 gifts, she said it was too small!!! I agree, as a gift for a non-dollhouse collector, 1:12 does seem...too tiny to notice the detail. so this year, i went 1:6 HURHUR. depicted are miniature Kueh Bangkit, Kueh Belanda aka Nonya Love Letters and Pineapple Tarts :D

these are made after the more traditional form that I grew up with, and still enjoy to this day. I even remember helping mom roll up the love letters as a kid, broke quite a number of them in the process, but that just meant MORE FOR ME :P

(no wonder i was such a rotund kid, and now, a rotund adult huhuhuhu)

and I made another for my aunt, whom I owe a lot to. there's also a 1:12 version of the 2 cookies that I   made for my cousin, but i can't seem to find a suitable plate/packaging, i left everything in the office  AUGH! (ya including my camera huhuhu these pics were taken from my phone, last minute assemblage of the dishes hehehehheh) i hope she doesn't mind T-T. will try to take photos of that later, surely i have -some- spare 1:12 dishes at home HRMMMMMMMMMM

it was a great reunion dinner. i introduced (ok ok, FORCED) Ben to try out TripleTown HUHUHU HE'S HOOKED, and now the game is available as an iPhone/iPad app too!!!!!! HAHAHAHHA i hope he doesn't miss his flights..had a good steamboat dinner...Ray, Dad, Grandma and I did some 'dry swimming' (aka mahjong) ...Grandma and dad hadn't played mahjong in over 20 years! for me, not for at least 15?!? so it must have been trying for Ray to catch us up to the rules and such, but much like riding a bicycle, we got back into it pretty easily, wobbly starts and all :D 'twas fun, i won a whopping 150 cents! XD

I showed grandma the 1:3 polymer clay bak kwa that I'd made a while back, LMAO SHE SNIFFED AT IT!!!! XD XD XD i cracked up so hard.....she also sniffed at the 1:3 love letters.....she then sternly told me not to mix it in with the actual ones HAHAHA i'm laughing crazily at the monitor as i type this XD

i think i must have had too much sugar yesterday and it hasn't worn off ;)


(oh oh!!! and congrats Talina for taking me along for the ride ;)

HUAT ARR!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Happy Chinese New Year~~ wishing you to have a wonderful Dragon Year~~~ XD

    Regards, (A Growing Teenager Diary) ..

  2. Happy New Year :D I miss the traditional junk we get to eat every year back in Singapore! :P It's just isn't the same in Canada lol!

  3. Me parecen magníficos. Felicidades

  4. Happy Chinese New Year! Have a great time! :-D Jennifer

  5. So good to hear that grandma is feeling much better eating steamboat and cracking jokes :)

    Life is good eh?

    That roombox was sold for a really nice sum :). There's hope for mini makers, Cinds!

    Great dragon year ahead! Woooooooooohuat ah!


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