
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas 2011 Giveaway Winners!

Thank you all who participated! Overall, 164 entries were eligible for the draw, and here are the results!

DRUM ROLL PLEASE.............tarantaran~~

ooooh number 9......

Lucky Lisa! Congratulations!!

You have won this set ^ ^ 

ok need another DRUM ROLL.......tarantarantaran~~
hrmmmm who is the 72nd entry?

Congrats M Carmen Casanova!!!
You have won this set ^ ^

but...there's MORE :O because I have hit over 500 'members' now, I have decided to do a bonus draw!

ahem, DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!! tarantarantarantaran~~~

ooooh 37!

Yay Kelly!

You will get to pick either the original or the cheddar package :) 

I will attempt to contact all the winners as soon as I post up this, again, congratulations to Lisa, M Carmen Casanova and Kelly!

It has been really entertaining and fun reading through all your comments, and I thank you all again for participating, and for reading my blog :) I hope to host more giveaways in the future! Hope you all had fun too ^ ^

(ack i couldn't find any of your email addresses, can the above 3 winners please e-mail me at snowfern at gmail dot com with your addresses so I can send you your gifts???)


  1. Congratulations to the winners!

  2. Congratulations to the lucky winners!!! Ack! I thought I was one of them when my name was partly highlighted on the picture showing M Carmen Casanova. I would have been shaking and screaming. Oh well, not this time. ;-) Thank you, Cindy, for a fantastic giveaway! I'll look forward to more! :-)

  3. hehhe oops Jennifer :( yea the openoffice calc converts addresses to active links....sorry to have given you a false alarm! :(

    There's always more chances :D I love participating in giveaways too (and I recently won another HEE HEE) :P

    btw, the one that you hosted that Sans won was AWESOME! how apt that she won it too, perfect for her settings!! I love how fated it was :D

  4. Congratulations to the winners!!!
    Thanks too for such nice opportunities!! :)

  5. FELICITACIONES a las 3 ganadoras,
    Gracias Cindy por estos preciosos regalos
    Un abrazo

  6. Oh!!!!! yupi!!!!. Que alegría, estoy muy feliz de haber ganado uno de tus conjuntos. Sabes que me encanta todo lo que haces. Un beso muy fuerte y enhorabuena para Lisa y Kelly.

  7. Congratulations to the very lucky winners. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.
    Hugs Maria

  8. Congratulations to the winners. Thank you for your wonderful chance.
    Hugs from Craftland

  9. Congratulations to the winners! Thank you for this awesome give away :) It's so nice of you to share your art :)

  10. ¡Felicidades a las ganadoras! Eran unos lindos regalos

  11. Congratulations to the winners! And thank you for hosting this wonderful giveaway!

    Sandi :)

  12. Congratulations to the lucky winners!!!
    and very thanks to you!!
    Merry Christmas!

  13. Felicidades a las tres ganadoras que pastitas tan ricas para el desayuno.
    Gracias por el sorteo con tan apetitosps dulces.
    Un abrazo

  14. Enhorabuena a las ganadoras, gracias por tan magnifico sorteo¡¡¡
    Un beso

  15. Congrats to all the winners! And many thanks to Cindy for having such a fun giveaway! (hope the next one is coming up soon *wink*wink*)

  16. Complimenti alle super fortunate vincitrici!!!


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D