
Monday, November 21, 2011

Miniature Marie Antoinette Cakes & Pastries in 1:4 Scale

This has been occupying me most of last week :) I had a request come in for 1:4 Marie Antoinette inspired cakes and pastries, and 'elated' would be an understatement of my reaction when I read the email! Although I'm not quite a frou-frou girl, growing to love pink (and Hello Kitty O.O) has been an inexplicable phenomenon that's bubbling just under my skin.

There were quite a number of stills from the movie on the web, but most were blurry, so i tried my best with what i could get off Google. ah. how decadent. 

the pink i mixed was a little more 'peach' in real life, then again it was almost evening when i took these photos. i don't have much rococo or french type scrapbook papers, so i picked one closes to the wallpaper colours in the movie photo. ooo i am really liking this photoshoot :O
since the topping on this 3-tier beauty was a St Honore, i'd suggested to my customer that it be a removeable one, for versatility. i'd forgotten to place a prop for scale, so here are my fat fingers again XD if you were wondering how large this cake is, it's approx 5inches wide at the base. i think this might be the largest 'mini' i've ever made! C:

I did likewise on the simpler rose petal cake. 

the white St Honore certainly does stand out on it :O

She'd also requested some strawberry eclairs, instead of the raspberry pairing that I had previously made. the raspberry went onto a pastry similar to the religieuse, but just 1-layer, more commonly known as "Nipple of Venus" where my customer is from. if you do decide to google for the term, please ensure that your SafeSearch is ON if you're at the office XD or if you have kids sharing the computer :P

i tried my best to photograph them (there are 3) but no matter how i arranged, my gutterbrain still registered something more sexy :P

i tried but couldn't seem to take a good photo of the 'seeds' on the strawberries! This variation of the strawberry eclair was also off an image I found online:

i was pleasantly surprised to find out that it was from a local bakery! I really loved the caramel sea-salt macarons that they used to have, but i'd not enjoyed any macaron since i found out that they will no longer sell that flavour (or so i'd been told when i enquired) as it was a special seasonal promotion item :( :( :( :(

ah well. am on a perpetual diet anyway. :P

getting ready to be packed and sent to Russia! :D

some arty-farty shots i tried to take....with the evening sunlight -_-"

lol the rose petals kept flying all over the place with the window open XD

i want to some day write a 'fake food' book or magazine :E :E 

i can dream, can't i?

(oh man, i'm feeling so self-conscious and embarrassed for even playing with the photo my cheeks are burninggggg......*blush*)

i do want to try making this in 1:12, but piping in any scale is difficult as it is! so maybe another time, this venture bunched my my shoulder and hands, luckily bf is always around and quick to help me massage the pains away.............i'll be taking it easy before i move on to my next commission :) 

meanwhile, i was really surprised by the number of entries to my giveaway!!! wow i had an inkling as to the number of regular readers i have, but my comments had always been few (maybe cos i'm lousy at replying T-T), so thank you all for participating and for all the nice (and SUPER FUNNY omg i sometimes had to stop taking a swig of my drink so i wouldn't spray on my monitor) comments!! i do have to remind all who participated that i can only accept valid entries, multiple replies in one comment only entitles you to one entry...this is to be fair to those who have entered correctly :( I understand that this might be due to a language difference, but i'm so sorry i don't know how to phrase it or explain it better :( 

I will be preparing some Christmas printables and boxes, so watch out for those on my Etsy ^ ^ 

Have a super week ahead!
<3, Cindy


  1. Oh!

    *dies in shock*

    These cakes are amaziing!

    Boy I feel I need to improve my work (again!)
    You're soon going to feel like Nunu's House. I'll just be depressed looking at your work XD

  2. These are all really beautiful!

    The rose petals look so delicate, I'd be so afraid that they would break if I touched them.

  3. ¡Preciosa!, Me encanta como te ha quedado, perfecta como tarta de bodas.

  4. OMEE! I seriously think these may be some of your best work, if not THE best! The "cover" is perfect with that background cover.

  5. I totally agree with anything afore said! you are a genius and I'll go on telling you till your cheeks will be burning and burning.
    I love each and one piece. FA BU LOUS
    And the over too.Minihugs Rosanna

  6. i love those boobs :D and the "book" certainly looks fantastic.

  7. So beautiful and perfect! Congratulations!

  8. lol *revives Stephanie* don't die, i want my whip back!! :P

    i am already super envious of your works and success...let's not drive each other insane XD Nunu's Houses' level of skill is another dream i'd love to achieve T-T i always cry to Asuka whenever they have an update XD

  9. hehe Melissa, they're made from ADC as well and are pretty flexible ^ ^ but i'm glad they give the effect of fragility, that's what i was going for.....i really wanted more 'torn' petals (like real ones) but wasn't sure if i should make it look too tatty XD

  10. Thank you Maribel! Eu estaba dicindo mozo que fai parece tanto con un bolo de matrimonio hee hee estou feliz que concorda ^ ^

  11. Sansssss it's large, so it's got its own challenges but i really enjoyed this commission...i'm also learning how to compose photos in my head ^ ^ i have so much to talk -at- you about!! XD

  12. Oh's too early to make me so self-conscious XD i wish i were a genius! i wouldn't struggle so hard figuring out all this stuff :-/

  13. lol May, you crack me up! i keep seeing the same thing too XD

  14. Thank you Genevieve! I certainly did feel like congratulating myself after it was done, the piping on the cake alone took me 1 whole day, i had to re-pipe it 3 times cos i was not satisfied!!!

  15. Wow Cindy your work is gorgeous and the photos are really beautiful too! Yes it really does look like a book cover :D

    Pei Li

  16. Oh, my goodness, Cindy, you have truly out done yourself this time.

    This is incredible, magnificent, Perfect! :)

  17. Thank you so much Peili! ^ ^ hehe *blushes somemore*

  18. Dalllleee~~~! is it because it's PINK? :P XD hurhurhur!

  19. lol, Now, sweetie, you know that I am partial to pink, but, no!

    It was much more than that. It was the execution, the rose petals, it looks like it is from a movie scene!

    This is one of the reasons why I like period pieces so much, I can watch them over and over again. I watch for the story the first time, and then over and over again to see the backgrounds, the furniture, the clothing, the table settings... and, then to try to better understand what the story was actually about! ;)

    What you did, my dear friend, was to actually capture, realism and fantasy at the same time and make it all look so real. :)

    and you don't need to reply. :)

  20. La tarta,las cerezas, las pastas navideñas y demás detalles son todos una preciosidad, muchas felicidades por esas maravillosas manos creadoras.
    Un abrazo


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D