
Thursday, November 10, 2011

I'm a Giant challenge Day 7

Hola!~ well i'm a little late in posting my updates as a few requests came in over the weekend, and i didn't get much done for the challenge cos....*guiltily* i've been caught up in Triple Town :X fair warning, it's super addictive! heck i created 2 new G+ accts just so i could rotate between 4 (3G+ & fb) games when i run out of turns :S

the display counters are finally painted! i thought i would need to sand them, but judging from the pics, i think they'll do fine :)

uhrhur i should get myself a 1:24 doll, or attempt to make one (i like the latter better due to lack of funds :S ) sketched on a piece of acrylic cos i was too lazy to look for a spare piece of cardboard o.O

rummaging through my stash of found/recycled items, i found THIS!!! i don't even know what it was in its previous life, probably some makeup or nail thing....i wanted to use it for 1:12 but i think it will work here too!!

and this is the display counter, i think for 1:24 it turned out reasonably well :D exactly what i had in mind for once! *GASPS SHOCK SHOCK HORROR* XD

not glued in but it seems to hold up okay, just have to be careful not to drop it or pick it up by the acrylic...

just for fun, i put some items next to this awesome laser cut/etched sheet of 1:24 utensils that Asuka got for me!! HEART YOU MUCH!!! (to Asuka, and the mini cutlery ;P ) i adore it so much i don't have yet mustered up enough courage to work on them. that, and triple town really does screw up my space-time continuum......


see the 4 'x' there? Asuka and i were staring intently at our sheets trying to figure it out...i suspect it's like, maybe the 'feet' for the toast rack??? can anyone enlighten us???

dangit i forgot to take photos of the maker, i think it's Karen's miniatures or something like that (left it at home)....will update this portion when i get home...brain feels wonky....

i am SUPER HAPPY cos i found out that there's this printing place near where i live, and it's been there for the longest time we just never bothered to check it out T-T am too excited!!! gonna search for some nice graphics and such since i'm short on time for finishing the foundation :( crap i just realised i don't have measurements LOL -_-"

moving along...

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