
Monday, October 10, 2011

Looking back at the Library Workshop

Congratulations to those featured in this month's issue of Golibrary! HUUUGE thanks to Jane, for organizing this workshop as well as gathering all the materials. it was no easy task! and to all the participants, who managed to figure out what I was going on about, and Stephanie and Peili for coming down to help with the judging!

also, since the skill level of several of the participants were incredibly high for first-timers handling clay, the judges had a hard time deciding on just 1 winner for the individual judging, and so both Seet Chay Koon and Tan Ping Ming were picked as co-winners, thus a feature in the golibrary publication this month ^ ^

you can also visit their blogs here!:

Seet Chay Koon's Blog -
Tan Ping Ming's Blog -

There was also judging based on group efforts and theme, group members Richard Chai, Peh Guat Lian, Lynn Toh, Verdell Tan and Tan Peiqi came together to create items based on a cafe theme, pity you can't really view the detail, i was truly impressed with their works and efforts....i hope they will join us in blogland soon *hint hint* ;)

the participants were encouraged to inject their own creativity and style into their works, where I only provided a basic introductory to the various (understatement?) materials and tools required for creating mini bakery items...with great difficulty i tried -not- to stress the importance of scale as I knew not everyone would be creating for dollhouse scenes....(oh you cannot imagine the pain i had to withstand XD ) but everyone really did well when it came to assembling their items, they were well scaled in relation to the several fruit components too! wish i had more time to go around and help each participant individually, but eh....25 ppl -_-" no way imma teach that many at a shot ever EVER again! but ya la,  IMMENSELY PLEASED, I AM! :P

ok i donno what to say le, stuff like that really gets me all shy and embarrassed-like......*blush*


  1. wooohoo! New blogs for me to follow! Looks like such a fun workshop.. go guys!

  2. Yes, it had been a fun workshop! I am glad that Cindy is proud of our work and similiarly I love to give her my best testimonial about her kind sharing of necessary skills, delivered with her joyous-nature :XD!

  3. Yes...I have enjoyed the workshop and learnt alot from Cindy too ! She is cheerful and willing to impart her experiences to all of us :)

  4. YAY EVERYONE! :P so happy to see you all in blogland ^ ^ looking forward to more of your works! (i am usually a 'lurker'...not much of a commenter...)


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