
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I'm a Giant Challenge Day 4

 I have been working on designing some printables for 1:12, and wanted to keep in mind that i wanted them to work for 1:24 too, so they would go into my little 1:24 roombox. no surprises, it's going to be a bakery!! XD stick with what i do, and know, right? ;)

these were printed on 120gsm paper, and sprayed with a matte acrylic finish. the designs are slightly different than those i have available on my etsy for 1:12....that's cos i wanted my very own set to be shpeshul~~~ :P

they're soooo little! i ADORE!!!! in the background you can see my daiso clamp holding down the last part of the display unit....the counter is still unfinished, i plan to gesso, sand, paint, etc in batches, so i still have time to reconsider the colour scheme!

I originally wanted to do just a roombox, but like Asuka, the ideas kept growing, and growing -_-" now i'm re-designing the floor plan to accommodate perhaps even a 2nd floor for a cafe....ahhh~~ ok Cindy, just finish the bakery part first HOKAY??????? :P :P :P *tries to calm self down*

hee. Call-of-the-small is another fave modern mini site of mine (along with Ann's AmazingMiniatures), and her latest post alerted me to an update on the challenge, go take a looksee :)

wow. a quick search on google threw up so many participants! it seems most of them have something to decorate (a ready dollhouse/roombox), or already had style in mind before they started....... how they like to decorate stuff, and put more stuff they like together in a beautiful whole. me, i'm still designing the damn container for me to design MORE things in grr) and having no idea what 'designy' stuff means, worst of all, chronic inability to look at things on a grander scale...i probably misunderstood the whole concept but i'm gonna trudge along and see what results i get on 15th dec anyway. such is the way i 'work'. don't even know the names and terminology.....what an alien but beautiful they live in :O sadness, i don't even have that much time to do my research :( probably claw my own eyes out trying to figure out how to make them in mini with the limited budget and material i have XD

they didn't call it a challenge for nothing! :P ok! time to get back to it, whatever 'it' is i do on a daily basis....*eyes mist over*


  1. The packaging in soooo cute!! I want :) I knew it was going to be bakery XD I just did cupcakes in 1/24 and my eyes hurt, haha. Scales less than 1/12 are challenging...kudos to those that do it, you included :D

  2. I'm so amazed. Every time you post something new, it just blows me away.

    I can't wait to see how this turns out.

    I also think I need to make a trip to somewhere with a Daiso... so much good stuff.

  3. Ha, how funny, I was just scrolling through your posts when you sent me a comment.

    Love how your small bakery is coming along. It's so wonderfully related to the things you manufacture.

  4. Hi Onshore! i love how your Japanese inspired dollhouse (teahouse?) is coming's really the kind of thing i would love to make some day!

    Thanks for stopping by! ^ ^


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