
Thursday, October 20, 2011

1:12 Hydrangeas

made with ADC. It's gonna be bf's mom's birthday soon, and i decided to make her flowers this year.
 1:12 isn't the ideal scale since she rightfully commented that my previous gifts were too small to see T-T but i figure, flowers are a little larger than foods, and since she likes flowers (she visits the annual flower shows we have here in SG) and keeps some at home, this should be a more suitable gift.
 it matches the ones she got for CNY this year, alas, i lost the photo that i took of it during The Great Format of 2011 :E :( as usual, being overly critical of my own work, the petals and leaves could be thinner, the leaves could have more detail/shading etc etc....but i do love the soft effect of it :)

wonder what my aunt's fave colour is (IIRC she doesn't really have one hrm...) as her birthday is coming up, and i hope to make one for her too. each large 'ball' (eh, what's the term, floret?) has approx. 55-60 individual 'flowers' T-T. i tried to be less symmetrical with the colouration of it, but as usual, couldn't let go of my need for a certain order and math, and counted it out of curiosity (necessity) :P

there's lots of WIP itty bitties littering my table, time to turn my attention back to them, though it is a little too late to sell halloween stuff :(


  1. These flowers are very pretty. I am sure they will be loved :).

    I saw something at the SMU bookstore which I thought could be fun for you and Asuka. Mid November when she is back?

    By the way, I thought your post on copyright was interesting. Talk more when we meet :).

  2. You are always so thoughtful!
    In the beginning I thought you wanted to offer it to ur bf since the colors of the hydrangeas are so romantic! Beautiful!!!


  3. Beautiful, Cindy! Counting components of the whole is the nature of our OCD XD Back to counting rice kernels o_O

  4. Hi Cindy, I almost missed this post. Great to see the hydrangeas with the petals so clearly defined as always your work is so refined :-). Love this very much and so your mum will like it.


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