
Sunday, September 25, 2011


ho ho ho ho ho! another challenge! I found out about this via Ann of Amazing Miniatures and even before checking out the organizer's blog, I knew right away that I would be participating!

You can check out the details here:

I started almost immediately and quickly realized I did not have enough material at home to work on it. I hope to document and complete it, as usual, I don't have anything in mind, just gonna wing it and see how it goes. Right now, I'm leaning towards a 1:12 and a 1:24 scale setup, cos that would be SUPER CUTE CAN? XD

I hope to also keep my costs down by minimizing purchases and utilizing the stash (hoard?) I have on hand. I love challenges cos it gives me a goal to work on, which somewhat keeps my mind from wandering as much as it does.......

Costs so far: SGD$4.80 for mounting board

Join us?

P.S. For those who have been waiting for me to update on courses (SORRY!) I hope to settle on course details soon for foundation classes on either polymer clay or air dry clay. Also, I think it would be nice for beginners to participate in a short 1-session introductory to both polymer clay and air dry clay in order to decide which medium would suit them better. Details should be finalized by this weekend, or you can email me at snowfern at gmail dot com if you wish to keep informed when the courses are ready :) I'm sorry I keep delaying it, I have been busy setting up an office space where students can feel comfortable learning about scale miniatures :) Gotta do it right the first time!

p.p.s. am also cleaning up the blog, so don't panic! the links should be in individual pages to the right.

NOTE TO SELF: add more from my bookmarks when i get back to the office tomorrow. :P


  1. Yay, looking forward to your design and of course the different components as you make it. Good luck with the challenge =0)

  2. This is fantastic! I can't wait to see what you do. I can't believe Emily Henderson is into minis! =D I love her show!

  3. Good idea about tracking costs! I'm going to give that a try too.. I'm also going to try to keep purchases as low as possible. Excited to have you join on the challenge!


  4. Yay Pepper!~ Thank you! it should be a whiz for you to take part in the challenge too and can't wait to see everyone's entries!

    i wanna admit something, i have been jolting awake every morning with a new idea or so for the challenge, and rushing to the office so i can work on the little components!! haha *sheepish*

  5. Thanks Lataina! I actually did not know about her until this challenge heheh -_-" she seems like a funny gal judging from her posts and comments!

  6. Ann!~ <3! yay yay yeaaaa i'm so broke it's not funny i was just calculating how much dog food I can purchase with my recent sales -_-" the answer is...Eva will be kept fed this October -_-" and that's about it! *cries miserably on your shoulder*


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D