
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

the monotony of ochre....

oh, they look less 'ochre-ish' in these pics.....anyhoo i'm so bored *whines* although i do enjoy making items in batches when my OCD-ish-itch sets in, i do not think it is extended to making ochre items. i recall from way back when i first started this blog, learning how to colour the baked goods was nightmarish for a n00b like me. practicing on polymer clay was....trying enough, now that i've switched to ADC for TDA, it's hell all over again as i try to figure out which colouring mediums and mixes work.

these 1:3 and 1:6 cupcakes need more colouration-toppings-sealing before i'm done with that and will try and move on to some other items i have planned....uwahhh exactly a month left to TDA!!!

also, thank you to Chun (please don't bug her! she had to go through quite an effort to help me get the set, thank you sooo much! <3!) who helped me procure a 1:3 serving tray set ^ ^ i also purchased beautiful cake displays from Carol of, will blog about that once i set it up, right now i don't even know where to place my items, the finished ones are ziploc'd up and in a box, i should take pics but....*sheepish* gah.

another pic of polymer clay cookies on a plate :) dang, you're right, the plastic stuff is hell LOL i didn't even bother trying to get the pieces out save that 3-tier display cos i haven't found a place to store all the stuff i need for TDA. o.O

i think i overdid things a little. will probably try and put some up for sale on DoA or i really should work on my own website, has it really been 4 years now since my bf got that domain for me!??!?!? *smacks own forehead* this is a new record demonstrating my procrastination skills! :E :E :E


  1. i love your cupcakes, did you make the little cupcake papers too or is that a mold?


  2. I was showing my husband your hand made item photos (esp the finished cookies) and he said he wouldn't have known they're miniatures if I didn't mention XD

  3. Your cookies and your cupcake are beautiful!!

  4. Your chocolate chip cookies are absolutely realistic...take it from someone who had to bake those suckers everyday (me!)

  5. I have been dying for a cupcake with marzipan toppings. Can you make some? :P I am trying not to break my diet (although broken a thousand times already) Those ochre ones, what flavour are they?

    No good to hear that you are not well again :(

  6. hehehe wow i'm really digging up old comments...slowly working my way back reverse chronologically...:P

    Marisa - those are clay, using my personal molds :)


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