
Thursday, April 28, 2011

more ADC stuff, and i went shopping!

the neighbourhood bakeries in my area sell quite a number of these rectangular cakes. you can bring them home and slice 'em yourself!  i love mango on my cakes, so i made this mango and fresh cream slices...will demo them during the workshop....hope it gets approved XD

the round cakes are sorta incomplete, i plan to use these to demo to students how to 'cream' and decorate the sides....or, they could also use these as-is, naked sides and all XD

these are as elaborate as i will go for a basic course..... i'm no expert at ADC, so...LOL these are as far as i can go i think! so far i'm quite enjoying using ADC, went to Daiso yesterday to pick up more clay, and other supplies!

this is just -some- of my ADC stash. the grace whipped cream is not from daiso, of course....neither is the grace nor sukerukun. i usually go to either plaza sing or ion branch when i'm in town....sengkang only when i can't find what i want in the first two branches...i was surprised to find the 'normal yellow' and dark blue clays, usually i only see the lemon yellow and pastel coloured range! so happy one lor! ^ ^

there's another really heavy box of ADC i have, my stone clays and such, but i don't use them except for plates etc which i will eventually get round to, again, when i wish to test my patience. it's really hard to get plates done nice and evenly, even with the help of molds :(
these colourful little water-based pens were a steal at only SGD$0.65 each! on top of that, i received a further 10% discount :O i found them at paper market at plaza sing, i asked the lady when the offer would end and she said it's on till the end of the month, which means what, this weekend?? i couldn't resist and got 10 different colours! you should see my actual thumb-nail, it's multi coloured now LOL i had no paper to test the colours on :X it's got a fine and normal sized nib on either end, very useful for mini works, i intend to use them on flowers, fruits, the orange ones on ebi/prawns....kyaaa so egg-citing! i would have bought more but, i already spent too much yesterday, on stuff i didn't feel i wanted to buy but ....would eventually have to get for the event.

the stackable trays are actually for plates i think, i also got the colourful box to display/store my items for TDA (two sizes for the two main scales i'll be selling), some clamps for mini woodwork/paperwork, liquid chalk marker cos....ionos, i can always find use for liquid chalk? :P and GIANT CORN OMNOMNOM!!! i always tease bf for picking out 'horse feed' cos he likes to buy oats, grains etc as snacks. i say he's gonna chew out his molars before he gets old! but i super duper looooove this puffed corn snack. YUMMEHH i also like to fool myself into thinking it's healthy (it's not, the sugar/starch content is pretty high i'm sure, real bad for a diabetic)......*bashful grin*

ANYWAY! on to my preparations for TDA 2011!

some of this might look familiar, the glass jars i got from Ikea for TDA 2009 but never really used it...the glass container holding the candy canes i made that year too....but the shopping trolley is somewhat new! bf got it for me from candylicious, it's oddly scaled, i think 1:10 maybe? whatever! SUPER CUTE!

kids, don't smoke mmkay.

and then there's this cute little 1:3 cup and saucer set from a random shop selling Japanese kawaii stuff (donno the name, it's near the escalator i think 2nd or 3rd floor plaza sing?)...they happened to have just the one set left, so i bought the cup and saucer. maybe i should have gotten the full set, but i still don't have a doll T-T Chun and i were having a conversation about the cookies, and she wondered if it would work against a coffee cup like those mini cookies that usually accompany hot drinks?? KYAAA!~~! it does! see, i would never have thought of it -_-" silly me.

 Dale gave me a teaset that would be suitable for 1:4 when she visited us last year ^ ^ i always forget to use it cos i wrap it up so carefully in case i mess it up, but now that i'm trying to set up a display, it would have to come out of hiding!  kekeke. here you can see the cookie in contrast with the cup. a tad big, but perfect as a normal cookie for MSD or YoSD dolls i think ^ ^ those macarons will be on sale too, i will be making more colours...wonder what would sell???

i had a coupla more items come in the mail and display sets i purchased,  and foods i made...but my nose has been drippy all morning, i hope this is just another allergic reaction and not the very fashionable flu :O so i'll take more pictures as i progress on my tasks at hand.

next up, i think progress on the wholesale order about 2 weeks max to deliver that LOL -_-"


  1. so pretty! and wow whole sale... please take care and jia you! :) Thanks for the mention about the cookie on tea set idea XD lol

  2. haha! it was a good idea!! ^ ^ and it's not wholesale yet la, the potential buyer just wants a list of items i can make available for wholesale...don't know if it'll go through, but i certainly hope so!

    *bounce* i got election fever le....what about youuuu??? :X

  3. Great Haul! I like the pens and I never knew ADC came whipped??

    Mini Hugs
    Marisa :)

  4. Hi Marisa ^ ^ yea i am LOVING the pens! yes i think the 'whipped' ADC is fast becoming popular...previously the only option was to mix some up yourself (which would sometimes discolour upon addition of water) or use the silicon, OR use texture gel....all of which might not cure fully on the having the whipped version would make life so much easier!!!

    frankly, i haven't even opened it up to try, but i will soon hee hee! and of course i'll write a bit on it..there are many deco-bloggers out there who offer great advice too i believe!

    (gee i'm unusually chatty today haha i blame the meds :X )


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