
Friday, April 22, 2011

Food Jewelry

added some new jewelry and accessories to my Etsy store!

and...remember these? or rather, these are the new-ish items, the promotion i offered in the previous post has now been moved to my etsy in this category:

Do check it out and lend me some support!!! it's hard starting to sell again after such a long hiatus......T-T


back to the 'fun' stuff :P

hehe again, inspired by Rosey Sugar, i started on some Marie Antoinette themed 1:3/1:4 items for TDA. this will be just some of the designs i'll have available. i don't know if i will make accessories out of them, the piping takes a while to get 'neatly' done. and of course, it's a tedious process, mixing up all that PC/LPC stuff......getting the consistency right is the most frustrating part!

back to work. next update should be related to the syllabus i'm preparing for an upcoming workshop in ADC :)


  1. oooooh! Love those fans! Very very pretty!

  2. I just love your cucumber slices, so beautifully detailed.

  3. Amiga, amei o seu blog,sou fascinada por miniaturas, desculpe que entrei sem bater, é que a porta estava aberta, eu também deixei a porta aberta, para voce se energizar e se tornar um cristalzinho.
    Já estou te seguindo.

    Bom final de semana

    Bjs cristalinos


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D