
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Let's go Kite-Flying!

Have finally submitted my Petit Picnic entry for #semi-sweeties over on dA

I'm kind of disappointed with myself, cos I did want to make many many other things, but what with requests, blood tests, scans etc, there simply was not enough time to make the elaborate entry I had in mind. I know, I'm my own harshest critic, I have to defend myself against my very honest family opinions! XD serves me right for leaving it up to the last minute XD Luckily, I bought the faux grass and made the basket really really early and all I had to do was assemble the various pieces with my simple foods.

click on the above image for a larger version. you can also go to my flickr to take a look at the individual pics i'm sorta scattered today, pics are everywhere, rushing out to get grandma's birthday cake, she has just turned 83 today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AHMA!!! :O :O :O! HUAT ARR!!! XD

Behind the scenes look at my entry.....cos I forgot to take a pic with item for this is my grubby handphone and the scene on top of my multi-purpose crafting trolley.

Due to the rules of the contest, I had to make new fruits, and upon bf's suggestion that we have a 'healthy' picnic, I made another bunch of grapes and ONE apple. ONE. it looks so odd, different from my earlier batch? Or maybe it's just me being picky....but I deliberately made it look different! 

Can you spot the difference? On the left are the older batch, the one on the right is the one I did for the contest. I think I prefer the left, more translucent/reddish variety, cos that's the type we get here mostly.....

Made the kite following some random google pictures, a rushed job this morning as the contest entry is due in ....less than 24 hrs :X I used some random paper I had in my folder where I keep a stash of papers suitable for mini use. I chose this for its 'modern' minimalist look.

 I originally wanted to make a croissan'wich, cos it's my fave form of sandwich, and I hadn't eaten it in ages (croissants are horrifically sinful, oh the butter~~~! but soooo tasty!) brother pooh-pooh'ed it, saying it looked weird :( I didn't think so until he mentioned it T-T yea, it does look somewhat...rigid I guess. So I junked that idea and went with the original bf-gets-9-inch-sub, me-the-6-inch-sub idea. I'm on a diet, so no cheese for me T-T


much better :D I also played around with new ways of making some breads, they kinda sorta worked the way I wanted :) so happy! time to stock my 'pantry' :)

Hope you all have a great weekend! Maybe even go for a picnic, eh? :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh WOW ~Cindy your picnic set is so darling!!! The basket is so real and we can see the spring is coming from the scene of your photos. You make many adorable things recently. I have seen your sandwich set and the MILDSEVEN cases. I love all of them. You are so gifted!!
    Good luck for the contest! ;-)

  3. Love your sandwiches! Agree with you on the grapes. The plastic containers are awesome!! Your picnic looks like a winner!! :)

  4. Thank you Peiwen and Alison! I don't expect to win, my entry is too simple!!! Alison, the plastic container is by Re-ment XD I use it so often I forget to mention it all the time hehehehe

  5. Cindy me encanta!!
    Todo es maravilloso, ideal para empezar la primavera con un día de picnic.

  6. I don't know if I'm allowed to say this... but I love it so much!!! <3

  7. I love it! The scene is so fresh and gorgeous, just the kind of picnic I would love to attend.

  8. Teresa :) yes indeed it's picnicking season in many countries, i want to be able to finally fly that kite XD

  9. Talty, you crack me up! XD thanks for 'sneaking by' to tell me so hee hee!

    Genevieve, is it warm enough in France to go picnicking yet? it's still quite rainy here....:(

  10. Now why is it your bro thinks the croissant is weird ? I am cracking my head here wondering . Not "scolding" him but really curious. :)

    Anyhoo, although you may think it's a simple scene, I think this is exactly what I will pack if I am going to a kite flying picnic. It is a very typical Singaporean picnic :).


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D