
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

knitted bunnies

made this wee one using a free pattern by it is about 3.5cm from toe to tip of ear

against an older one i made a long time ago

there is a contest being held by the #semi-sweeties group again! i am definitely participating, working on it helps me keep my mind off some stuff happening around me from driving me batshit apecrazy. join me in driving out all the craziness in our lives by obsessively focussing on miniatures ;)

details on the competition here:

there's more than one and a half months to work on it, THIS TIME I REMEMBERED TO SHARE EARLY ZOMGZORZ (<(_ _)> sorry, i always get news too late or forget to update here)! if you need, i found a few lovely tutorials over on, more specificially, picnic baskets and paper plates!!!! so now you have less of an excuse NOT to participate! ;) i am almost done with my basket, took -only- 2 days to do it -_-" man i really have concentration issues..........


  1. Cindy! You and I are creepy sometimes! I've just started minicrochet again for the first time in years! This is too weird!

  2. you are too talented! minis and now crocheting? wow!! I may follow you to deviantart now ;)

  3. Teehee! I think if i join this contest I will go batshit crazy since I can't crochet to save my life.

    Your wabbit is wabby cute :):). You are too talented.

  4. hehe! she is exhibiting at design festa 33 in may! I will go and haro her!


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D