
Sunday, November 7, 2010

hamming it up at the library

thank you Jane for inviting me to talk at the library! i seldom post pics of myself cos i'm not as dainty nor cute as (some) of the minis i make....
here's one some might appreciate, me being very happy to talk about scales and the importance of it XD

i know it doesn't seem like it, but i felt very shy and embarrassed talking about my works. gah. but otherwise, i definitely do not have stagefright, and am so happy that some of my blog readers came and stayed behind to chat with me! although NONE of you introduced yourselves HRRRRMPHHH! :P

on the display board at the library! Jane gave me the copy on the door. it's now folded away and almost forgotten :X i did grab a couple of the brochures that featured the talk too, but wouldn't have known or thought about it if not for Jane too. haha! appreciate your hard work Jane! *bows*

kids behaving well LOL they are so cute, resisting the urge to touch the items. Thanks again Jane for taking pics for me, i totally forgot about it, and had actually brought the camera only to show the audience what camera i use for my pictures :O

blunders aside, i think it went rather well. as usual, i wasn't really 'thinking' and went through my presentation in 'ramble mode'. but i don't think i put anyone to sleep..ha! i made these as a last minute accompaniment to the nonya kueh (and as a personal challenge) the colours of these nonya love letters are a bit too dark for my liking...although in real life the darker ones are crisper, perhaps due to the caramelized sugar?

so i tried again. but this time it was too light. i have a 3rd batch which i'm FINALLY happy with, however i'm bored with them and want to quickly move on to other things XD

remember these?

finally had time (boy i use a lot of 'finally's eh) to take a group photo, will be meeting my customer on monday for tea! i will miss these, maybe i'll make one for myself?

i was so tired from all the activity and overstimulation that i crashed rather early last night. have so many ideas and plans to sort out, but otherwise there's not much on my plate at the moment. time to work on filling my etsy store :)


  1. So that's what you look like! Adorable :o) you and your minis both! Grats~~~~

  2. Dearest Cindy, you look so animate and happy and proud !!!W and I love this pic of yours. I'm sure you had a great success and that many other miniaturists will grow after having being lectured by such a brilliant artist. Well done,my dear! Rosanna

  3. I would have gone to singapore to attend...only if I had the money ;)

  4. hi dear Cindy , I luv yr miniatures very very much, so fantatics & keep on the great job ...

  5. Congratulations Cindy!
    You looked proud and confident at the library. Do consider giving a general presentation/ tutorial in CDHM. Those who are not in Singapore (like me) will have opportunities to attend your sharing! Superbe!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Of course you don't have stagefright! I love your work Cindy, and I wish I could have attended:)

  8. Almost like I was there, ALMOST! So you will have to do the talk again next Sat when we meet :).

    I love those love letters. You make me feel like doing a CNY scene with all your food.

    But those cakes are wonderful. You really must finish your cake shop!PRONTO!


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D