
Sunday, October 17, 2010

so, what's cooking?

so....i messed around with air dry clay today. Grace resin clay and sukerukun, depending on what i needed to achieve. Sukerukun is more translucent than Grace, so i used it for the above 'century egg'. i know i messed up the yolk bit, it's supposed to be a tad greyer or greener? but i figure, hey, it's not gonna be a stand alone i don't care :X 'sides, i also messed up on the 'white' (black? ha!) bits of the egg, not translucent enough. but we'll see after it's fully dried.

this dastardly thing is deceptively difficult to achieve realistically. it's supposed to be char siew, or roast pork. kinda hard to capture the texture with the camera...and definitely needs more tweaking. but again, it's not gonna be a stand alone item anyway....

julienned ginger!!! i -think- this is sukerukun. i forgets :( i love love how the colour turned out, IIRC i think i mixed yellow + ochre oil paints.

i think i lucked out on the colour for the pork. i started off making minced pork, realised i had too much paint mixed, so used the remainder to make larger pork pieces and slices. i really like the texture on the slices!!! CHO HEYPI!

and, my fave of the lot, the shredded chicken! the wonderful thing about ADC is that i don't really have to muck about and be too precise since it provides different textures at different stages of drying, this i believe is pure grace + a smidge of leftover 'pork' colour. using my craft knife, i just 'tear' teeny weeny pieces of clay and 'shred' it up, JUSLYKCHIKEN!!!! LOL? XD srsly, i am so happy i took time to use up the remainder of my ADC before it totally gives up on me.
forgot to take close up pics of the mushroom. i didn't bother making individual mushrooms, cos these are meant to be ingredients in a dish, or a few dishes? CAN YOU GUESS WHAT I'M MAKING? bwa ha ha! ;) i took a flame to the grace and blistered it on one side, and then further coloured it brown with water-based ink pen i got from Daiso. what a stink it made though! and thinner parts of it also caught on fire :X there's a funky stench in my room now, good thing i had the following yummy treat BEFORE i started all the above 'experimentation' :D i learnt the burning trick from littlecatwhitewhite's fantastic tutorial site, the link is in one of the lists to the right of my blog, but i don't know if the actual tutorial where i picked up the idea from is still there??

youngest bro popped into my room earlier today with this omnommy treat! cream puff from beard papa, papa beard, gah i always mix it up, and i'm in a mad rush to go out, am kinda late meeting bf. i snuck one of my older ADC swan puffs onto the treat just for fun, kekeke! i know, that's kinda gross, but....i am kinda gross! XD

my neck/shoulder muscles are still knotted up like crazy, but i'm also popping painkillers like crazy, probably explains why i feel give up i gotta go BYE!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. How can you conceive all these tricks! I don't even knew that so many clays existed. You are a genius. Hugs Rosanna

  2. Increible variedad de texturas y colores. He aprendido mucho contigo. Gracias.
    Buen provecho con la maravilla de buñuelo gigante relleno :)
    Besos Clara

  3. I GOGGLED ABOUT CENTURY EGGS; yes they must be greener and no, you'll never make me taste one (^_^) Have a nice day, Rosanna

  4. Rosanna!! XD you are so funny lah! ;) century eggs are only stinky in the mouth, not the nose XD XD actually that's not right either, the yolk is of a rich creamy consistency, almost like ..egg mayo?

    if you get a good batch from a reliable supplier, there is no strong ammonia flavour. and it certainly is not preserved in horse piss, that's a myth! XD XD the egg white portion has a consistency like that of agar and i suppose can be likened to a..meat gelatine/tureen? really, it's not as foul as it looks!

  5. Clara, thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are always so generous with your praises on my works :) i am glad that my little self-discoveries and odd mistakes can help someone else, and hope i am not leading you astray!! XD

    - Googletranslated
    Clara, gracias desde el fondo de mi corazón, que siempre son tan generosos con sus alabanzas en mi obra:) me alegro de que mi pequeño auto-descubrimiento y errores extraños puede ayudar a alguien más, y espero no te estoy llevando por mal camino! ! XD

  6. I really thought century eggs is fermented with horse piss. You mean it's a MYTH??????? With Chinese, I really believe we eat anything! :):)

    Are you making a kai see/ char siew meen stall? Those mushrooms looked like you cut from the real thing!! :)

    Was gonna ask if you have recovered but obviously not :(.


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D