
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

3-tiered cakes

not much to update. shoulder and hand acting up again, been popping painkillers on and off the last week + and it's still not fully healed up. but i did manage to slowly assemble the different components of this's almost done, just need confirmation from my customer before i give it a matte sealant. it's made out of polymer clay, but i still feel that due to the tiny tiny details, i would feel more comfy if it had a layer of protective sealant.

customer provided inspiration from here:

voting for the halloween contest over on cdhm is over, stupid me all groggy from pain meds forgot to vote!! -_-" d'oh! XD i don't know if i can show pics yet, but i guess you all have figured out which entry was mine?? :P

....urr urr *zombie noises*

edit: forgot to provide the inspiration photo! the original cakemaker does lovely lovely work!!! also, i came in 3rd for the cdhm contest WOOT WOOT!! XD see my entry here:


  1. Bellísimos y muy delicados.
    Cariños desde Argentina.

  2. Cindy that cake is unbelievable, all the tiny little details!!! SOOOOO gorgeous!

    Hey!!! What the heck did you do to your shoulder and hand?????? :( I hope you're feeling better soon.

    OMG, I didn't know you had entered that contest. I already voted, but I'm going to look again to see if I can figure out which one is yours.
    I just looked again and I have absolutely no idea which is yours. I have no idea who did any of them, well except for one of them I'm pretty sure is Pat's (skywind).

  3. Do you know what I love best? the thin delcate blue ribbons, they are fabulous. Really love the cake, take care to your hand! hugs Rosanna

  4. thank you Mares!

    Hi Kristy, it's an old injury, the wrist, from RSI way back when i played too many computer games XD and the shoulder thing is a poor posture/diet/lifestyle related thing, every month (ahem) it bunches up really tightly.....:( so badly i can't turn my head! these few months it has been especially bad, which is why i'm starting up my exercise schedule again....just got back from the pool!

    i saw your cute (SORRY!) little bear...eeks you're a klutz too :X hope that blood on the mini knife isn't yours???

    yea i easily recognized Pat's entry, mine is.....i'll post it up when i can! gotta check what the rules are...*grumbles*

    actually typing hurts too :(

    Hi Rosanna! thanks for stopping by again, i really miss surfing around blogland but sitting here typing does hurt i can't concentrate except some mindless clicking on facebook games -_-" aghhhh i hope things aren't as hectic anymore on your end!

  5. Stop clicking already woman :):):) but anyhoo, this cake is wonderblu! :) Injured and still able to create :) you are a miracle by itself.

    I may be travelling end of the month. Will email you when everything's confirmed. Really happy that you just came back from the pool. Remind me to tell you the story of how swimming and weights training cured my friend of a bad back.

  6. Great great great cake! Lots of good health to you!:)

  7. whaaaa! cant believe it! the cake is my absolute favorite! and this colors i love love love it!
    wow your a great talented artist!
    best wishes and a nice week!

  8. Cindy, The cake is so gorgeous!!! Great detail on it. I would feel the same as you about adding a thin coat of a matte sealer! It will make all of the tiny bits more secure! Sorry to hear about your arm/wrist. I hope you feel better soon! Why aren't you trying acupuncture? Seems like you are the perfect candidate for that treatment if it is muscle related.

  9. Your cake is so elegant!!

    I hope you get better for your shoulder and hand. Take care of yourself.

  10. Es una tarta muy elegante. Ese diminuto camafeo y cada detalle tan delicado. Me encanta.
    Besos Clara


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