
Thursday, July 15, 2010

finishing up my air dry clay stash

not much to update, but am trying to blog at least twice a week to keep myself going.....

played around with some new tools and molds.....while trying to recover from my current ailment, the dreaded sinus infection T_T

been on a real Julia Child and Antiques Roadshow kick (those who have added me on facebook would probably know XD) and mindlessly churned these out. the amount of items molded has almost doubled since XD am trying to use up my air dry clay stash before it 'expires', that is ALOT of clay to go through, especially when working in 1:12!!!!!!!!!!!!

you can probably guess what i'm about to assemble, yes?


  1. Awesome cookie house! I'm planning my own gingerbread house too :) Won't be as intricate as yours though!

  2. haha Pei, with your eye for colour and composition, i'm sure it'll be AWESOME! i'll wait for updates from you ;)


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