
Friday, June 11, 2010

a small post before the weekend starts....

oh, about 1:24 small...XS

some people have asked about the different scales that i work with. i find that when it comes to fruits, scale isn't so much of an issue since there are fruits and foods of various sizes. however in the dollhouse world, there are some collectors who are strict about scale, and so it is important for miniaturists to keep track of how accurate their foods are. so a tart/pie would have to adhere to certain measurements in order for them to 'fit' into the scenes they will eventually wind up in.

oh frag it. it's the weekend. i'll get more technical with my 'larger scale' post :P

anyhow. here's what i managed to complete, i have been working on a few UFOs (unfinished objects) which i put aside for commissions. yes i need the $$$ T_T who doesn't????

a 1:12 strawberry tart vs 1:24 cake/tart/strawberries vs 1:48 kiwi tart.

let's take a closer look.....

each strawberry is approx 2mm long. mmfhmm. i'm insane.

heading out for the weekend, my next feature i'll blog about from bf's place ^ ^ happy weekend everyone!


  1. I wonder how you don't go blind , dear :):). They are tiny yet detailed!

  2. Your work is just fabulous! I'm glad to see your cousin's work too, so cute. :)

    I dunno why your blog will not show up on my blog roll. grrr... I might stop following and refollow and see if that works... (walks off mumbling)


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D