
Monday, June 7, 2010

Introducing: Talina Melenchenko

breathtakingly beautiful. hard to believe it's 1:12, right?

ditto for this room. i love all the itty bitty details, from the obvious bookcase, to the not-so-obvious fireplace guard (i don't know the actual name for it, grille?)

and this is her latest, a new orlean-esque bakery (i think?) it's about to be filled with some cakes and breads :X

i found Talina via flickr, the picture that first caught my eye was a tiny rustic Japanese kitchen. oh boy. that kinda floored me. she does restoration works and collects Japanese dolls too, in the mini world there seems to be a surplus of Victorian settings, beautiful as they are, i find myself seeking something a little different. always. and Talina does a great job bucking the trend. if you have the time, go to her flickr stream and look at her various projects.

you can find her on flickr:

or contact her via e-mail: 
tkmrabbits (at)

p.s. i love her sense of humour too XD

1 comment:

  1. Waiting for your cakes and breads right??? Isn't it wonderful that your creations are going to such a pretty place? She's amazing!

    By the way, I nearly went crazy looking for your cups of chai last night!! Took me 1/2 an hour! But worth it. 3 of them are sitting in my next setting and looking like they belong. Yours are the only things in that setting that has not been made or re-purposed (borrowing a term from Talina :) ) by me. :):)


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