
Friday, May 28, 2010

1:12 chocolate rose cake

was supposed to cut a slice out of this cake, but i couldn't bear to XD prob have to ask my customer if she'd like a slightly different choc cake, i only realised it would be difficult to cut it after i made the centrepiece :(

i'd seen this lkea storage box on oese's flickr stream, and thought it was an awesome awesome use of a 'common' item. who knew it'd also be a great lightbox!!! the light source comes from a portable strip of LED lights from my neighbourhood hardware store. battery operated, and rather cool. i had to do a little bit of image editing as the macro pics still came out a little bluish, but ohhh i like it so much :D

made the raspberries using Yoyo's wonderful tutorial (berries is the 4th link from top). i think i got a little too enthusiastic with the paint, turned out a little too red. then i went home and made more......

 i got a little too serious ;)

been busy the past coupla weeks. bf rented an office space, it's rather roomy for 2 people, and i helped him pick out and set up the furniture. he's told me that i can hold workshops in here, which means i'm seriously weighing the possibility of giving lessons. wonder if anyone would like a slightly disorganized and erratic polymer clay tutor who is willing to teach for an exorbitant fee XD XD XD


  1. omg... I just saw how the berries are made. I think I will go blind if I tried to make :P Fantastic work!!!

  2. Babe babe babe, sign me up!!!!! Me want workshops from YOU!!

    That choc cake is outrageous! You outrage my senses all the time!! I go into a shock everytime the fact that they are minis finally sink in and I succumb to a reluctant admission that my senses have been fooled, AGAIN! Maybe the word should be "outage" and not outrage? What do you say when something goes into an electric shock? Fzzzzzz?

  3. WOW soo cute >_< im 12 and ur blog is my bible. trying hard to live to ur standerds.
    the cake is wonderful and the berries well; HOW THE HECK TO U MAKE THEM

  4. u serious about workshop? can i recommend interested learners to you?

  5. thank you Kara and Genevieve! ^ ^

    ilovelittlethings, yes i'm seriously considering it, but i think it will focus more on polymer clay, and for adults only. you should hold classes too! :O


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