
Monday, April 12, 2010

1:48 teapots, and some 1:12 almost-pastries

soo....i'd been requested to make more 1:48 items. i haven't made much in that size since the last 1:48 commission, i was fearful that i'd forget how, but i think i did ok, considering how rusty i am. here're 2 teapots and a milk jug/server thingamajig. i'm working on making a mold for the teacups, it's insanely difficult to mold something this small.

how small? here's another shot for sense of scale.

also, playing around with some pastry bottoms (!?!?)

they don't look like much now, but just you wait! XD

air dry clay is so fun to work with. pop pop pop! in case you were wondering, i made the master, then molded the shapes. at least i didn't screw up this batch this time.

can you tell what these are? they're barely 1mm wide. some are 0.5mm even (yeah i measured). i'll be using them on some of the 1:12 breads i've been tasked to make.

on a more somber note, my middle bro is staying overnight at the hospital, the doctors initially suspected appendicitis, but the pain is in his lower abdomen, so they have ruled out most other possible causes. if the pain remains or worsens tomorrow, and does not shift to the right, he'll have to go for a scan. he seems to be taking it pretty well. i'm not really worried either, i guess cos my family's pretty used to being at hospitals (non-too-serious stuff) ....just a case of wait and see. mini-making will be on hold a while....i do apologize for the delays, those whom i owe packages and updates to....:


  1. Hey Cindy, how's your bro? These things are always worrying. :(

    The lighting is perfect for pics of such small stuff. Are the last bits sliced barley? :). You using them as oats for breads?

  2. thanks Susan, my brother is back at home resting, it was a false alarm XD but now he also knows that he has gastric problems (air steward, irregular eating habits) he's gotta learn how to take better care of his tummy....eesh...

    hehehe yea it's either rolled oats or barley. yeaaa!!! for berads! gonna do more painting today, and i guess lots of sticking on > <


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