
Monday, March 22, 2010

frosted cookies

playing with new toys XD
playing with new toys XD

new butter cookies!

but not really. polymer clay in various sizes.
 pink and red in 1 12

had some spare 'strawberry jam' leftover from a previous commission, so i decided to finish it up by piping it onto some cookies. the smaller ones on the rim of this plate are approx 4mm wide, so you can imagine how insanely fine the piping is -_-" i did this mostly at night, and my eyesight isn't that great then (maybe due to astigmatism, or just poor lighting), so i hadn't noticed the messy spots :( bah! i can probably scrape them off but that's a task for another time. preferably in the morn XD

cookie mess

the 'choco' ones were sort of an afterthought. again, leftover 'frosting' from my donut commissions. they were frosted a little differently, i'm playing around wtih the techniques, i think i prefer the 'flatter' effect.

 white frosting

i hate taking pics at night.

pink and red cookies

the size of the stars don't seem to match up with their heart and flower counterparts, grr.

and....another one of those julia usher inspired cookies :) i might wind up making mini 'cake' versions. am waiting for my order of microbeads to arrive...i hope to get them within the week!

on a more personal note, i've been really moody lately, and not very motivated to play with clay. i made some cupcakes and cookies which i haven't taken pics of, they're to be used concurrently with these cookies for a setting i have planned, just need to get to work on the setting itself first. having caught the flu last week, and now with a new complication, i might have to go for an earlier-than-scheduled checkup, and that always puts me in a foul mood.


  1. Hi

    Your work is amazing you have been a big inspiration. I've really just started making miniatures a few months ago and your blog has helped alot in giving me perspective on what quality miniatures should look like. So keep up the wonderful work.

  2. Oh these biscuits look so good!
    And I am hungry!
    Dangerous situation!

    Take care off your miniatures there beautiful :)

  3. What messy spots? I must be way more blind than you are or you are so blind you are seeing spots, LOL!

    No mess at all my dear and your work is great.

    I am sorry to hear about your flu and health issues :(. I was just going to tell you about this awful cough I have that I can't seem to shake off and that it is contagious and that I shouldn't pass it to you.

    Just told Treewizard that I will call him when you and I finally meet. He wants to tag along! Sighhh :)

  4. Sounds like you are having a hard time. Sorry about that :( I hope you feel better soon!

    P.S. Yummy cookies! Too bad there is no mini milk.


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D