
Friday, March 12, 2010

1:12 sauce dishes, yea i know they're poorly painted

poorly painted sauce dishes XD

poorly painted sauce dishes
look at my miserably painted sauce dishes XD ok the ones on the left aren't -that- bad. but the pink ones are....*shock shock horror* XD XD XD the paint clumped up and i got lazy, so i left it as such. i just wanted to see how it'd look with the colour scheme. i think i much prefer it plain white, or gold trimmed.

romantic colours

romantic colours 3

romantic colours 2
i recently listed some new colour schemes, and they seem to be rather popular ;) could barely catch up with making these, wrists and fingers are sore now XD

greasepaper cases in vellum

greasepaper cases in vellum 2

i've also brought back the plain cupcake cases ^ ^

you can find the cupcake liners at my etsy store!

what else have i been up to? hrmm. nought much. i'm supposed to work on a few requests, but as i've packed my stuff, i can't seem to figure out how to 'work' in this new space. right now i don't have a place to put the pasta machine, and that's bothering me a little T_T but i guess i'll finish up some requests tomorrow.

g'nite world!


  1. Seems like you are really busy lately. :) Love your new stuff and can't wait to see more!

    P.S. I am in dA finally. I am sure you can find me there too.

  2. I feel absurd giving you tips, but... good permanent markers work way better than paint for stuff like dishes.

  3. haha Betty, yea i have been trying to keep busy and concentrate on the body and mind aren't quite keeping up though > < gotta figure a better way to concentrate :O your new kiwi cane is awesome!

    Amanda, thank you!!! no please don't feel absurd (not sure why you do o.O), i'm so grateful for the tip! i did use a marker for the black one, it went on better than the pink ones in that back reject pile LOL! i am so intimidated by painting, so i need all the help i can get, thank you for stopping by!

  4. Cindy, congratulations you move here! I received the cases this morning. They are impeccable. Perfect!

  5. See, with you on blogger, I can keep up to date with your post! :)

    I almost never throw away anything. So quick, make some swan food and put them on those "rejects"! :)

    Your "paper" cases are wonderful!

  6. You paper cases are fantastic! I am trying to do some but they are not so perfect than yours :(

    I continue to try...

  7. Hey! I was wondering how you made your cupcake liners. I've been trying to make some, but i couldn't. I suck D:

  8. you're welcome, Oiseau! ^ ^

    Sans, i have a clay graveyard's getting too large for my liking ; ;

    thanks Marina! well keep trying just takes a lot of practice :)

    Anonymous, it's a 'trade secret' ;) just keep practicing :)

  9. I feel that way because you're so much more advanced with this than me. I feel silly giving you advice. I used to do some of this stuff when I was a kid, 15-ish years ago, but I only just started again this year.

  10. Those paper liners are so adorable, and perfect I might add.

  11. oh Amanda! not at all, i'm new to painting and have been avoiding it for as long as i could XD i appreciate that you took the time to help me out, thank you ^ ^

    hi PDT!! thanks!


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