
Thursday, February 4, 2010

first attempts at fish.....

so....i've been a little....hesitant (?) about making fish. firstly, i don't enjoy eating it much. secondly, it seems like a lot of hard work. AND IT IS. thirdly, it would require i pick up a paintbrush, and those who read this blog regularly would know i am fearful of painting. anything. even my toenails.

so here i present to you, my first attempts at fish.

1:12 shisamo and saba

the larger one on the left is supposed to be Saba, i think it is the most successful of the lot. i did one of the shisamo (on the right) first. i would take a better pic, but my cam ran low on battery power. RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! i then decided to do a pair of shisamo to see if i could replicate it, since my attempts at molding it were unsuccessful. yeah. they have no eyes. cos i ate them! nono, cos i wasn't sure how to make them, and thought i'd fill them in later. but i think they're ok too....maybe?

1:3 scale shisamo just for fun
so since i'm on a roll here..i'd decided to attempt one in 1:3 too. this shisamo is about 4cm long. man. what a disaster LOL! again, i will try to take a better pic once the battery has recharged. it's got a better sheen than what is captured here, and i'm rather proud of my first four fishies!

the 1:12 fishies will be part of a trade i'd promised Yuki/Amatheria since gosh. last Nov maybe? I vaguely recall offering to send him some washi paper....then TDA came along and i got caught up, then commissions came along and some other swaps....and since he said it was no rush i'd lumbered along and and....eeps. SORRY! so here are the items i've made today, i specially put aside some time to complete the set. he'd wanted japanese foods, all sorts, and since i'm totally unimaginative, i decided to simply make some basic japanese items. i probably will add a bowl of rice, and maybe a miso soup, if he doesn't already have those items. not sure though, we'll see :) meanwhile, enjoy the pics, and as always CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms are welcome! i can take a hit, or two....and yea i know about the eyes already so....

trade with yuki
trade with yuki 2
trade with yuki 3
trade with yuki 4

i definitely will attempt making more fish in the future. i think i've finally conquered my fear of painting foods. XD

oh. and remember that the giveaway is still on in my previous post ;)


  1. your fishes look so real! just like ikan billis :D

  2. i think your fish is damn ZAI! hahah, really it totally doesn't look a first attempt! The shiny paints in all the right spots really made the fish come alive. :P

  3. lol Lois. yea i thought the same to myself. i'd even thought of molding an ikan bilis (this after i completed the 4 -_-") but heck. i don't want a fishy smelling mold :X

    thanks Jocelyn ^ ^ i hope fried fish -never- comes alive while i'm attempting to have them for dinner.....

  4. Criticisms? None! I think the fish looks spectacular! I want to go out and get some for lunch now.

  5. Shoot me or I will you! That your 1st attempt???? Don't bluff ! LOL

    Even if it is your 100th, I will say the same. Freaking wonderful!

  6. oh gosh the plate of sushi is killing me, it looks so good even tho I rarely eat raw stuff (at most one or 2 pieces)


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