
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

biscotti, wish i had coffee



biscotti with scale

i don't know what scale these would be suitable for. the first biscottis i'd tried were rock hard and approx 5-6 inches long, so these would mirror them in 1:12.

air dry clay + baking soda :) baked for 15 mins at approx 120 deg celcius. i used Daiso brand "lightweight" clay, using Tomohachi's recipe and adapted it for oven use. the results are inconsistent, so i'm glad these worked out the way i intended! hope to put them in a nice cookie jar soon as i get some time, gotta finish up some stuff and get the house clean!!

/panic on


  1. Cindy, I love the biscotti, both in real life and what you have done in miniature! Now off to find another clay...and I was just finally was able to order the Grace and Hearty...

  2. Thanks for sharing the Tomohachi's links etc :D These biscottis look really yummy ^o^

  3. I want chocolate-coated biscotti. Sue me for being a wimp but I dare not stick my clay into the oven. *0*

  4. sad de. i couldn't replicate this :(


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