
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Swiss rolls, and what should i giveaway?

roll roll roll

i don't know if i got the shapes right, it hadn't occurred to me as i worked on them as i tried to balance out the proportions of cake to fruit to cream ratio.....however i'm glad the textures and colours worked out!

with scalestill have to give the caramel brittle a coating, and glossing up parts of the cream/fruit....

i haven't forgotten my promise about the 100th follower giveaway! thank you all for your support ^ ^ i know i say it alot but i truly mean it. knowing that people enjoy looking at my works and possibly even reading my nonsense helps XD i will assemble some items i have made that i hope some of you might enjoy, and although they might not be very professionally done, i enjoyed making them, and so watch out for the next post on what you could win!

off to the post office!


  1. give me some London choco roll... *music*

  2. Really creamy-yums! 10 pounds just went to my hips while stare at your Swiss Rolls

  3. ilovelittlethings -_-" that ad is irritating LOL but i geddit XD thanks for stopping by!

    Sans, oops....i don't particularly enjoy cream much, is that weird since it's featured so much in my work? :P

  4. Absolutely in awe of your work! The colors and textures, even just the photography to get it just right. Great job!

  5. Hey Ron! you've been busy eh?? busy is goooood! thanks for dropping by, yeah i try to take photos when there's good sunlight....fiddling about with the lightbox just seems like too much work ahha :X

    thanks for your kind words, i'm glad people enjoy looking at my pictures ^ ^ (much as i hate taking them)

    p.s. got your fb acct yet? :P

  6. Well I just got my regular website back up after over I think 7-8 years. When I was super busy it was kind of a waste, but now its slow again, so here we go again!
    FB...? FB...? Im drowning in so many passwords! *arrgh*

  7. haha Ron so sorry for the late replies, had a little time to spare so here i am batch replying my comments XD gratz on getting your website up and running again! i only just realised your link is not in my list, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!!! aughhhh let me amend that real quick...... :P


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D