
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I am really angry right now

i ordered some items previously from poly mer clay ex press dot com and i'm am SOOOO PEEVED right now.

not only did they charge to my card an additional shipping cost of $20 without prior confirmation, after almost a week's delay in reply, the manager has informed me that they have shipped my order to CANADA.


i'm so tired of this bullshit. it is a major annoyance to me. all i can hope is that my shipment arrives safely, and that it isn't delayed for too long. meanwhile, i have to inform my customer that not only might her order be further delayed, i am no longer able to accept commissions for Jan unless i can find another supplier.

* i understood that the shipping costs were just an estimate, but hello? isn't it business courtesy to inform the customer BEFORE adding an additional USD$20 to their card?


they've replied and apologized for their error, they had a customer who shared the same name who lived in Canada. my parcel is on its way here. well. it still doesn't make me less peeved abt the earlier incident, to which they've offered no explanation either, but i'm going to drop it. at least until mid-Jan. or until i get caught up in experiments i forget all about this. ha ha.


  1. That has to be biggest screw up I have ever heard. Canada? How in the world are they tracing this? I once bought something from ebay UK and it took them 2 months to reach me because they got the address wrong and it was stuck at their post office.

    It is ok for me but terrible for you as this is your bread and butter! I feel the "arghhhh" with you!

  2. *sigh*

    i don't know what to do now really. i don't know if i want to risk another large order (it's not a large amount of $, but i'm always poor LOL) and now i don't even know if my order will arrive at all!!! some people are suggesting i raise a dispute, i guess i'll watch and wait first :( that's always the hardest part.

  3. *pat pat*
    apparently some people are VERY bad with their geography. =.=;

    i hope at least if it still doesn't work out, you'll get the FULL refund as it was all their mistake, not to mention you are a repeat-customer.


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D