
Saturday, January 16, 2010

banana smiley

banana smiley
Originally uploaded by Snowfern

these are test slices :) i still can't really slice them very well, the new clay is a little more squishy than the horrid stuff i'm used to, but i guess today is a little muggy and warm too, so i'll let it rest a bit more before i try and slice them up again. so far, i think i'm REALLY happy with the results.

previous attempts at bananas have been...LOL, it pains me to look at them again XD

banana slices

hope you have a happy day~ SMILE!


  1. Those new banana canes are awesome! They kind of look like the ones that I made earlier. I should really get pics up (and fix up my flickr account!)

  2. wow that's a lot of banana slices! those slices used for the smile for the smiley looks kind of real :D

  3. How is it that you can cut your canes after baked? :O The cly hardens so muc for me that it is vitually impossible for me to cut, and when I do, it turns out horrible =X

  4. Hey! I just made those this morning. I added peanut butter on my bread and they tasted delicious!

  5. thanks everyone :)

    i'm trying to add texture to the larger slices as they do look cartoonish unlike the 1:12 ones. :(

    Starie, if your canes are too hard/brittle, maybe you can try warming it up for a few mins in the oven before slicing, remember to wear gloves. i am still struggling with slicing canes, so am not of much help.

    Sans, you crack me up XD thanks for putting a smile on this grouchy mug XD

  6. Thank you so much for your help! I really do appreciate it :) I'll try that next time I decide to attempt at making a cane! And I love your blog by the way hehe. It really inspires me to do my best claying wise, despite failures that may come along the way.


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D