
Monday, January 11, 2010

1:4th strawberry sliced

1:4th strawberry sliced
Originally uploaded by Snowfern

i am bordering on losing my mind. and the use of my right shoulder.

i spent much of today, at least 8 hrs, rolling bits of 'seeds' for the strawberries. it's part of a customer commission, but frankly, i needn't have made the other 2 strawberries, but once i started...i felt this drive to keep going.....

good thing i don't really have a deadline for this. but i'd like to work faster, for sure XD the strawberries are unglossed, and there's no detail in the centre, but dangit, i just had to show these off i'm so darned proud of 'em XD


  1. They are awesome! You have every right to want to show them off!!!! Spectacular! =D

  2. haha thank you, i really oughta stop tooting my own horn XD


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