
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

TDA 2009: the aftermath

wasn't kidding when i said mountain of mess
Originally uploaded by Snowfern

lol. talk about airing dirty laundry. that's my jacket that should be in the wash, on top of my box of jewellery findings.

i've been feeling so poorly lately. all i've been doing is slowly pecking my way through the mess on my table. it's only just gotten sorted out and now i've messed it up again trying to fulfill orders and take stock of what i have remaining.

Alexa wanted to know how i made my display stands, and now that i'm looking at it again, the pic is pretty self-explanatory. i think the only material that needs to be specially purchased is the ] [ shaped thingamabob that railway model enthusiasts use for their modelmaking. i found it at my local craft store at that section. i don't have any leftover to take pics of. the rest is up to you to reverse-engineer! have fun with it, i'm at the point where i don't want to think about it anymore XD it took me far too long to make!

you can also click on the image to see the notes i've added onto my flickr pic regarding materials.

ok i've packed up 7 items for each of the giveaway winners! i've realised AGAIN that it's really hard to pick out items for males -_-" they will be mailed out tomorrow before the p.o. closes for the hols! again, congratulations!

i have a more serious question though. it had been strongly suggested, and also been a plan of mine, to sell some tutorials. i don't know if i wanted to at first, but as i shift from this being a hobby to something that could help pay the bills, it's becoming increasingly evident that i need to focus on a reliable source of income. i was thinking of selling a macaron tutorial, in various scales. what do you folks think? and how much would you think is a reasonable amount for a macaron tutorial that teaches you how to mix colours, what tools, tips and tricks to use? i've been agonizing over this for months really, weighing out the pros and cons, whether i'm selling out or not....etc....bah. i welcome all input and will take them all into consideration. much appreciated in advance :)

(yea i seem to agonize alot over little stuff grr)


  1. Hello Cindy,
    I'm from Singapore as well.
    Could you tell me the place you got your FIMO caramel clay from?
    I have searched high and low for it but I can't seem to find it.
    Thank you very much!
    Sarah Ho

  2. Hi Sarah!

    i have a post, to the left of my blog is the link, Tips: polymer clay in shows where i got my clay from....i have not purchased much more clay since that post, as miniatures in 1:12 do not require that much.

    i just placed an order for clay online at i have previously purchased some kemper cutters from them too, so i stick with vendors i'm familiar with. their clay prices are pretty reasonable after shipping, comparable to local pricings, and i don't mind the wait.

    good luck with your hunt! sorry i can't help more but really, i have frankly given up on buying clay in SG, it is simply too much trouble :(

  3. please sell tutorials!
    it would be wonderful for you to teach some "how to's"

  4. I think basic tutorials are ok - like what you'd find in any craft book. But if its a personal trade secret, it should remain that way.

  5. thanks for the encouragement Alison!

    "i still play with dolls" (lavendarlilz?), ah yes, i was wondering about that too. perhaps a basic one similar to those found in japanese books, but my method since i deal with polymer clay?

    i was going to put the tutorial under "intermediate" meaning i'm expecting users to already have a basic understanding of/experience with polymer clay. maybe i should start with a 'basic' course first huh! as to personal trade secret...i will never reveal how i make my cases XD but macarons....hrmmm i don't know what's the 'secret' part LOL!

  6. Any coincidence that you are considering a MACAROON tutorial? No? I didn't think so. ;)

    Well, as you already know, you'd have at least on customer! A reasonable price... Hmm. Well, it depends on how many pictures you're going to include I'd say.

    For me, the more photos the better! I once tried a lemon cane tutorial. You were supposed to chop the circle you made into eight even slices. Well, I apparently have some disability. It was truly sad. No matter what I did, I could NOT cut that thing into eight slices! I was SO frustrated!! I could only cut 6 even slices!!! I needed pictures for each step. Yeah, I'm sad, you don't need to tell me. ;)

    Soooo, moral of the story, if you're going to sell a tutorial, you should include step-by-step-by-step-by-step-by-step... And so on. ;) For the clay losers like me.

    But yes, I'd totally buy it. And I'd probably still buy macaroons from you as well. Cause mine would never turn out even half as good!

    And I honestly don't "get" trade secrets. What's the big deal? So what if someone else makes something similar? It won't be the same! Just similar. You'll still be the original. Plus, you have the pleasure of knowing you helped someone else out. That's just my opinion though. But then, I just don't like secrets in general. ;)

    In conclusion, I think you should definitely make some tutorials!! Sorry for the super long post!! Mine are always that way... Oops. :) And thanks for the photos of the stand!!! I appreciate it!

  7. haha Alexa thank you! i'm rather excited about this project, as i am with all new projects. i remember when i made my eclair tutorial it was so insane cos i hadn't planned anything out. all i did was take photos of my process, hence the terrible photos since my fingers were covered with clay XD

    this time, i think i'll have to include illustrations too. i like to be thorough when explaining things, but my main problem is short-term memory > < i CANNOT remember my steps! each time i make an item, i usually modify or improvise. especially clay colours cos i don't have a full palette of clay colours. bleh. i just use whatever i have lying around from previous projects and modify them to what i require. XD

    k. better start my day. lots to do. grr.

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