
Thursday, December 3, 2009

petit fours

petit fours nuts and choc
Originally uploaded by Snowfern

these are 1/4" wide. i took a hella long time to sculpt the nuts, but once i got the hang of it...


i even made a mold, but the details are lost at such small a scale after removing the clay from the mold, so each piece still has to be adjusted to get it just-so.

colours are a tad boring, but i think it'll make a nice contrast against my colourful cupcakes :) should be making a few other 'flavours' of petit fours, and maybe a few cake slices.

i'm not that good with 'drizzle' icing yet, definitely need more practice. i miss the almond puff pastry that's available at four leaf bakeries ; ; hence the mini version XD

p.s. so as to confuse you less, the larger items are in 1:4 scale, the smaller ones, 1:12. :) all inedible!


  1. Oh hello?? Stunning and so perfect, Cindy!! Look at those nuts! You are kicking ass, woman!

  2. ...Is there some real stuff mixed here?....the scale is VERY confusing, waow!

  3. lol thank you Kiva! man those nuts took me forever to figure out .....> < i even made a 1:12 pecan!

    Hi Emma/Miniman! yes, the petit fours are 1:4 as i am preparing for a BJD event, i haven't gotten round to making the 1:12 ones yet, but there are 2 mini 1:12 almond puff pastries. i'm so confused myself, all these varied sizes ; ;

  4. oh i mean there's no real food in there, it's all polymer clay -_-" i meant the scales are all mixed up XD

  5. STOP making big scale nuts! People and animals will eat them!! They are WONDERFUL! And too real and too hazardous!


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D