
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Introducing: The Doll Affair 2009 - 19th December 2009

As most of you should know by now, I will be having a booth at The Doll Affair on 19th December 2009. The event will be held at Saturday, December 19, 2009 at Suntec City Convention and Exhibition Centre, Meeting rooms 302-304, Level 3.

I would like to take this chance to feature 3 talented people who will be there too! in alphabetical order......



"Hi! I'm Jocelyn from Singapore, and here's my story. Before I stumbled upon the world of sculpting, I was feeling pretty lost in a world where everybody else seemed to harbour big aspirations.. until I picked up my first slab of polymer clay. As I poured my heart into sculpting, the hours just slipped by, and I knew this was my calling. :) And thus, AiClay was born, a venue where I can devote my creative energies into sculpting, and share my work with the rest of the world."

See more of Aiclay's works at:


Asuka Sakumo

"Asuka Sakumo is one of my alter-ego pseudonyms name other than Vanilla Latte. I can't learn how to do magic, and because I can't be a doctor nor a lawyer, so I write stories and draw them. And lately I am obsessed with miniature clay. I'm going to sell bento foods, cakes, cookies, macaroons, and totoro coffee arts & cream puffs! All is variant in 1:3, 1:6, and 1:12."

See more of Asuka Sakumo's works at:



now, for this artist, she has been busy lately (it's a good thing, yay!) so i shall introduce her in my own way. remember in a previous post i'd mentioned that i will have a guest feature? well, i hope it's in no way a violation of the organizer's rules (haven't really seen any such restriction really) but i hope to be able to showcase some of her works at my booth! i will not be selling any of her items, but will be offering her namecards as a way to raise her profile a little, as i think she does gorgeous artwork. she even customizes obitsus :O i haven't seen them yet but i'm sure they'll be excellent, judging from the dragon sculpt featured above! :O

i hope she will be free to make it down, if not, it'll be great to see some of her works up close and personal ;)

it is yet unconfirmed what items she will be showcasing but there is -that- mini sketchbook pendant that i simply adore! i originally wanted to feature just 3 pics of her works, but there are so many i love that i can't decide :O so please, do take a look through her works and be prepared to be amazed. i highly recommend the deviant art link below.

See more of Changeweaver's works at:

Changeweaver's Webpage:

for those who are free on the 19th this month, c'mon, $12 is not too much to pay to see the works of these talented people, is it? well, there's my charming self too *cough cough choke* ;) so come on down and say hi to us!

please also, send my friends some love by visiting their blogs and various showcase sites ok? :)

p.s. remember that i still have my giveaway going on ;) deadline's 19th Dec 2009 too! :P


  1. you are the sweetest Cindy! thank you so much for the feature! :) can't wait to see you and asuka at the fair!

  2. All are such great and talented artists- just like you! Wish you were in the U.S. I would love to come to see everyone's stuff! Hope you all have a great time! I'll be sure to take a look at their blogs as well. :)

  3. All the best to the exhibition! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun!

    Pei Li

  4. What beautiful work by some wonderful artists! I wish I could come to the doll show - looks like you all will have some real treasures for sale!
    Have fun!

  5. Thank you so very much for the feature! I hope I will be able to meet you, Aiclay and Asuka at the fair! :"D


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D