
Friday, November 27, 2009

even more donuts, i'm sick of ochre XD

more closeups on my flickr
i've been inhaling too much pastel dust XD made the donut and cupcake bases yesterday, and spent ALL of today frosting and affixing the cupcakes to the headpins. and of course, photos.

if you're wondering why i'm so narcissistic, rather, more so of late, it's cos i've been posting quite a bit on deviantArt and it's pretty well known that some of the young'uns there love 'stealing' images.

i'm taking the opportunity to practice phototaking and editing, i might use some of these for namecards, catalogues etc. gotta find a decently priced (read: cheap) printer. any recommendations?
i played around with toppings. wish i had made some lemon canes, but i'm sooo tired and my hands ache.

i think my fave of the lot has to be that rose cupcake. it's the only 'brown' one left, found it while looking for more toppings.

i don't know if i should sell these as earrings. what do you think?
and of course, Yotsuba has to make an appearance :P the sugared donut has to be my fave of all the donuts i made. i know some people are gonna ask, so i'm going to go ahead and say the 'sugar' is white-coloured sand, the kind you find in kids' crafts. remember to add that protective coat of varnish or it'll all fall off. i didn't know better before....-_-"


  1. Your work is truly fantastic!!! And thank you so much for sharing the sugar secret. =D

  2. Wow! You are sure working very hard for that show! I wish you much success in that show! Sell lots for me!

  3. You are doing the right thing in adding your name. I regret I didnt start earlier myself. I am in awe of your frosting tricks! -Ron

  4. Its horrible when people decide to steal pictures. :/

    Those matching cupcakes would make adorable earings.
    The medium ones are my favorite.

  5. You must teach me how to do that! You do take such great pics. The colours and lights are studio standard! How ? How?

  6. thanks everyone!!! (((HUGS)))

    Sans, remember ?

    i used the lightbox! and for each photo i post, there's...5 that are crappy. > < LOL

  7. thanks everyone!!! (((HUGS)))

    Sans, remember ?

    i used the lightbox! and for each photo i post, there's...5 that are crappy. > < LOL

  8. OHHH yeah forgot to mention, i use to edit my pics, so easy, just register, upload, click on "Auto-Fix", adjust if necessary, and you can even add the text with it!! there's even an option to upload it directly to your flickr :D


Thank you for taking the time out to comment! :D